Liturgy Alive Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Truthful, authentic, genuine God,
you are the truth in its fullness.
Immerse us in your truth,
that we may emerge as truthful persons
who do not bother about outward appearances
but live in the likeness of Jesus Christ, your Son.
Thus, make it possible for us to live 
in communion with one another in mutual trust,
one in his Spirit,
today and every day and for ever.

Liturgy of the Word

Introduction to the First Reading
        Paul is aware that his Thessalonians are in danger of becoming an end-of-the-world sect, something we understand easily in the light of the many similar sects appearing among us today. Paul invites them to look serenely at the traditions of the early Church about the end of the world which Paul had brought to them. Jesus comes not to end the world but to bring us another world of justice and mercy.

Introduction to Gospel Reading
    There is always the danger that religions turn into a kind of ritualism that imposes practices of little meaning as if they were the saving factors. Ritualism and rubricism is still raising its ugly head even after Vatican II. How ridiculous, almost superstitious! Equally ridiculous because it is empty, is a religion that professes to have faith but minimizes or shuns religious practices. Be sure that with this attitude quite rampant in our time, true faith disappears.


General Intercessions

– For missionaries and all who proclaim the faith, that their own lifestyle be a strong argument to follow Jesus Christ, we pray:
– For all apostles and prophets in the Church, that their personal encounter with the Lord may give them the power to speak for what is right and good, we pray:
– For us, that we may learn to care little for outward display but for the things that matter: honesty, justice, and love, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
you could not give us a more truthful sign
than this bread and this wine;
here you show us again and again
how much you love us in your Son, Jesus Christ.
Let this sign of your truthfulness
imprint on us an indelible mark,
that all may see that his Spirit lives among us,
today and every day, for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
you show us in Jesus, your Son,
the way, the truth, and the life.
Let him accompany us on the road
and teach us your truthfulness,
that we may live as authentic persons
in a genuine community of brothers and sisters
where it is good to live in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
today and for ever.


Let us, as Jesus recommends, pay attention first of all to the important matters of the law: to justice and mercy, faith and love. The rest will follow easily. May Almighty God bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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