News in Book Review

"The End of Men: And the Rise of Women" by Hanna Rosin – review

"The End of Men: And the Rise of Women" by Hanna Rosin – review

by: The Guardian - ,Mary Beard in Book Review,

The myth of matriarchy is one of patriarchy's oldest inventions. Those stories of primitive warrior queens, buxom mother goddesses and tribes of Amazons are no evidence at all that women did once rule the world. As most anthropologists have recognised for decades, these are cautionary tales invented by men to justify their own dominance.


The Dreyfus Affair by Piers Paul Read: review

The Dreyfus Affair by Piers Paul Read: review

by: John Preston - The Telegraph in Book Review,

This is the book I was telling you about; It is necessary to really understand the French Revolution in order to understand all the wars and religious hatred that have happened since.  The Dreyfus Affair brought down one government, caused the resignation of three Ministers of War, led to France’s most famous novelist being sentenced to a year in prison and almost precipitated the country’s second civil war in little more than 100 years. 

The Future as Promise - Our God is in a Covenant with Europe.

The Future as Promise - Our God is in a Covenant with Europe.

by: José Cristo Rey García Paredes, cmf. in Book Review,

The future of religious life in Europe is intimately connected with the future of the faith. This is one of the major preoccupations of the Church at this moment. There are three circumstances that do not make the vocational experience for religious life in Europe easy: cultural secularisation, religious chaos and the distrust of institutions.

Dropping Out: Why Young People Leave the Church

Dropping Out: Why Young People Leave the Church

by: Fr. John Flynn - Zenit in Book Review,

20-Somethings Cite Many Reasons for Disconnect.- It's well-known that many young people stop being active Church-goers. A recent book examined extensive research carried out by the Barna Group to find out why so many drop out as they move into adulthood. In "You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are Leaving the Church ... and Rethinking Faith," (Baker Books), David Kinnaman, along with Aly Hawkins, analyzed a wide range of statistical data.

Nobel Literature Winner Tomas Transtromer: The Beauty of Stillness

Nobel Literature Winner Tomas Transtromer: The Beauty of Stillness

by: John Freeman in Book Review,

Like a glass-blower by a wintry sea, Tomas Transtromer has been slowly and painstakingly making poems in his native Stockholm since the early 1950s. A private man in his work and life, Transtromer has been following Thoreau's example for 50 years. He will have more difficulty doing that after today's announcement that he is this year's winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Viewpoint: 'When China rules the world'

Viewpoint: 'When China rules the world'

by: David Alton - Independent Catholic News in Book Review,

 As Ricci understood in the seventeenth century, when high Confucian philosophy and Christian faith walk together, they are an extraordinarily powerful combination – and perhaps this will be China’s great gift to the world and certainly not something to fear. Perhaps, as he reflects on this, the perceptive Martin Jacques should ruefully recall that Christianity is also a principal reason why Marxism is yesterday rather than today in the former Soviet Union.

Facing down a tyrant, Mugabe and the White African by Ben Freeth

Facing down a tyrant, Mugabe and the White African by Ben Freeth

by: Philip Barclay in Book Review,

Freeth’s book, which shares the name of a documentary film made about his family, is a personal account of a terrible decade spent working in Zimbabwean agriculture. During the most intense phase of Mugabe’s farm invasions in 2000-2002, Freeth worked for the Farmers’ Union, doing what he could to protect his members – several of whom were killed in their homes.

Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week - Book Review

Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week - Book Review

by: Ignatius Press in Book Review,

"Only in this second volume do we encounter the decisive sayings and events of Jesus' life... I hope that I have been granted an insight into the figure of Our Lord that can be helpful to all readers who seek to encounter Jesus and to believe in Him."-Pope Benedict XVI

Benedict XVI's book on Jesus of Nazareth: "From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection"

Benedict XVI's book on Jesus of Nazareth: "From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection"

by: Vatican Information Service (VIS) in Book Review,


VATICAN CITY, 11 MAR 2011 (VIS) - In the Holy See Press Office yesterday afternoon, the second volume of Benedict XVI's book on Jesus of Nazareth: "From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection" was presented in the course of a press conference chaired by Cardinal Marc Ouellet P.S.S. prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, and Claudio Magris, a writer and German scholar.