News in Discernment

‘Today, young Christians face a new reality for which they are unprepared’

‘Today, young Christians face a new reality for which they are unprepared’

by: The Tablet - Fr Christopher Jamison OSB in Discernment,

Today, young Christians, together with young believers of all faiths, face a new reality for which they are unprepared. Most of their contemporaries will live together first, have children out of wedlock and only later might they think of marrying, if at all. To create a culture of vocation in this context is to show that marriage, celibate priesthood, and religious life are all vocations that demand our whole being and run counter to the prevailing culture.

Help with making decisions.

Help with making decisions.

by: Juan Carlos Martos, cmf in Discernment,

The young people with whom we work live with their peculiar succession of decisions which mould them in a particular way. And it is not always easy to make the right decisions.

What do we mean by Vocation?

What do we mean by Vocation?

by: Paul Smith cmf in Discernment,

The word vocation means calling and the reality is that all of us have received a call. We have been called by God to be all that God wishes us to be. For some people that may mean becoming a priest or a religious. For others it means being married or being involved in serving the wider community. The reality is that the notion of vocation raises a whole host of issues tied up with our sense of identity.