News in Homilies



by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

Devotion to the Sacred Heart has very ancient origins. It has spread in the Church especially starting from the seventeenth century through the work of a French mystic, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Like all forms of popular piety, this too entered into crisis after the Vatican Council II. The traditional image—the one showing the Sacred Heart “on a throne of flames, radiant as the sun, with the adorable wound, surrounded by thorns and topped by a cross” is in conformity with the description given by St. Margaret Mary to whom He appeared.

Commentary on the Readings: Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - Year A -

Commentary on the Readings: Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - Year A -

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

Here they have clearly marked: the two loaves or if we like, the only bread in two forms or the double table. These are the signs: the altar of the Eucharist, the lectionary of the Word. The Second Vatican Council has recalled it: “The Church has never failed to take the bread of life, taking it from the table both of the Word of God and the body of Christ and offer it to the faithful” (DV 21).

Commentary on the Readings: Pentecost Sunday - May 31, 2020

Commentary on the Readings: Pentecost Sunday - May 31, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

Where the Spirit comes radical upheavals and transformation always happen; barriers fall, doors are opened wide; all the towers built by human hands and designed by "the wisdom of this world" shake; fear, passivity, and quietism disappear; initiatives are developed and courageous decisions are made.

Commentary on the Readings: Ascension of the lord - May 24, 2020

Commentary on the Readings: Ascension of the lord - May 24, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

Matthew does not describe the Ascension of Jesus as the Acts of the Apostles do but, using different images, he suggests the same message. Unlike Luke and John, he places the encounter with the Risen not in Jerusalem but in Galilee. This geographical setting has a theological value: the evangelist wants to say that the mission of the apostles begins where their Master had begun.

Commentaries to the FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – May 10 2020

Commentaries to the FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – May 10 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

One of the characteristics of the primitive community described in the Acts of the Apostles is the absence of classes, titles, honorifics, greater prestige or recognized dignity of some eminent member.All believers are considered on a level of equality. No one would be called rabbi because there was only one Master and they were only disciples. They felt themselves brothers and sisters, and no one claimed the title of father. They knew the fact of having one Father in heaven (Mt 23:8-10).

Commentary on the Readings of the Fourth Sunday of Easter - May 3, 2020

Commentary on the Readings of the Fourth Sunday of Easter - May 3, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

The central image today, in fact, is that of the door. Further on, in his long discourse to the Jews, Jesus proclaims: “I am the good shepherd” (v. 11). Today, he presents himself twice as the door (v. 7). To this image, others are added: the fence, the thieves and robbers, the guardian and strangers. Who are they? Whom do they represent? What is the meaning of the “similitude”?

Commentary on the Readings of   Third Sunday of Easter

Commentary on the Readings of Third Sunday of Easter

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

The story of the disciples of Emmaus is one of the most beautiful pages of the Gospels. It introduces in a celestial world, where dream, instead of being dissolved, is transformed into reality. After this lovely first impression, however, perplexities and questions arise: Where is Emmaus? 

Commentary on the Readings Second Sunday of Easter – April 19, 2020

Commentary on the Readings Second Sunday of Easter – April 19, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

It is the time when Jesus manifests himself alive to the disciples. The one who deserts the meetings of the community like Thomas, cannot have the experience of the Risen Lord (vv. 24-25). He cannot hear his greeting and his word; he cannot accept his forgiveness and his peace (vv. 19,26,23), nor experience his joy (v. 20) and receive his Spirit (v. 22). 

Easter Sunday - April 12, 2020 - Year A

Easter Sunday - April 12, 2020 - Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

Witnessing is not to give a good example. This is certainly useful, but the testimony is something else. This can only be given by one who passed from death to life; one who can confirm that his existence is changed and acquired meaning when it was illuminated by the light of Easter; one who has made the experience that faith in Christ gives meaning to the joys and sorrows and illuminates the joyful and sad moments.

Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday) – April 11, 2020

Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday) – April 11, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

The urgency of a new life can be understood only by one who is no longer afraid of death because, with the eyes of faith, “he saw” the Risen One and cultivates in the heart the expectation that soon the day dawns and the morning star rises (2 P 1:19).

Commentary on the Readings - Holy Friday – April 10, 2020

Commentary on the Readings - Holy Friday – April 10, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

With Christ on the cross, we are made to understand where sin leads to: it renders a person unrecognizable. But immediately John has us contemplate God’s response to sin: the gift of his Spirit and the resurrection of the Holy and Just One.

Commentary on the Readings - Holly Thursday – April 9, 2020

Commentary on the Readings - Holly Thursday – April 9, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

“We cannot live without the Lord’s supper.” “Yes, I went to the assembly and celebrated the Lord’s Supper with my brothers and sisters, because I am a Christian.” Christians have participated in the breaking of bread every Sunday. It was for them an indispensable requirement. They understood that that was the hallmark of the disciples of the Lord Jesus.

Commentary on the Readings PALM SUNDAY - Year A

Commentary on the Readings PALM SUNDAY - Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

Today’s version of the passion being proposed to us is that of Matthew. In our comment, we will highlight only the characteristic aspects. The first and most important is that Matthew punctuates the whole story with repeated references to the fulfillment of the Scriptures.....

Commentary on the Readings of Fifth Sunday of Lent – March 29

Commentary on the Readings of Fifth Sunday of Lent – March 29

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

The Bible has preserved the memory of their disorientation and concerns to remind us how dense was the darkness of the tomb, before the light of Easter shine on the world. To internalize the message, we repeat:
“Although I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil, for you, O Lord of life, are beside me.”

Annunciation of the Lord – March 25, 2020

Annunciation of the Lord – March 25, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

We are in spring, the vegetation awakens and life resumes after the rigors of winter. To the believer, the appearance of new shoots can only recall, in a spontaneous and immediate way, the true spring, the blessed day when, with the incarnation of the Son of God, the new world began. 

Commentary to the 4th Sunday of Lent – March 22

Commentary to the 4th Sunday of Lent – March 22

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

“The true light that enlightens everyone came into the world” (Jn 1:9). Christ came to dispel our darkness, to illuminate our nights, to usher in the family of the “children of light and children of the day” (1 Thes 5:5).

Commentary to third sunday of lent – March 15, 2020

Commentary to third sunday of lent – March 15, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

We believe that there was a meeting of Jesus with a Samaritan woman, but the fact was then redacted with the language, images, and biblical references with which he wanted to convey a theological message. “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and let the one who believes in me drink” (Jn 7:38). He is the source of pure water that quenches all thirst.

Commentary on the Readings Second sunday of lent – March 8, 2020

Commentary on the Readings Second sunday of lent – March 8, 2020

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

This passage is sometimes interpreted as a brief preview of the experience of paradise, granted by Jesus to a group of friends, to prepare them to endure the ordeal of his passion and death. One should always be very cautious when approaching a gospel text because of that which, at first glance, seems to be a chronicle of facts, but at closer look, often reveals itself as a text of theology drawn up according to the canons of biblical language. The account of the Transfiguration of Jesus reported almost identically by Mark and Luke is an example.