News in Living Icons of Mercy in a Process of “ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION”




Once again I thank you for the invitation to take part in this Encounter of Religious Life in Hayes.  Year on year the Holy Spirit continues to suggest different themes for reflection and commitment.  This year he invites us to contemplate the Mercy of God the Father and of Jesus so that we learn to be merciful.

You have a special gift: you are called to be ‘living icons of the Mercy of God’ for the United Kingdom.  You have heard the call of Jesus ‘to be merciful like the Father’. 

We find ourselves in a moment of grace.  Mercy is not directed just to human beings.  We are also called to be merciful with creation, nature, with all living things: God the Father, said Jesus, clothes the lilies of the field, feeds the birds, etc.’.  Pope Francis has given us a precious encyclical about the care of Creation: Laudato Si.  We are a reflection of the mercy of God in both these areas: with human beings and with creatures and nature!


In this conference I would like to reflect on Mercy in this double dimension.  The consecrated life today needs a double conversion: ecological and merciful.  And so the title for my conference will be: “Religious women and men: Living icons of mercy – In a process of ecological Conversion”

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