News in Spirituality

Pope: Fasting Requires Nourishment on Word of God

Pope: Fasting Requires Nourishment on Word of God

by: ZENIT Agency in Spirituality,

Benedict XVI began Lent today with the reflection: "He does not really fast who does not know how to nourish himself on the Word of God." The Pope made this affirmation at the general audience, during which he reflected on baptism and the readings from each Sunday of Lent.

Census: How religious is the UK?

Census: How religious is the UK?

by: BBC in Spirituality,

A publicity drive has started for the census, now just five weeks away, but the survey is being criticised for its question on religion. So is it even possible to accurately measure how religious the UK is? According to the last Census 10 years ago, more than two-thirds of people in Britain regarded themselves as Christian - 72% in England and Wales, and 65% in Scotland. More than 1.5 million in England and Wales, more than 3% of the population, said they were Muslim and nearly eight million ticked "no religion".

Building an Ark

Building an Ark

by: Ron Rolheiser in Spirituality,

What is the meaning of the story of Noah and the Ark? The story might be recast this way: Every so often there comes a time in history when there is so little vision, faith, idealism, decency, and charity left on this planet that there is a real danger that the world itself will sink, will drown, and revert to a chaos that will kill everything that's precious.