tagged articles with: caritas

 Easter Monday: getting through to Sendai, Japan

Easter Monday: getting through to Sendai, Japan

William Grimm - Reporters el Tue, Apr 26th 2011

William Grimm, Maryknoll priest and publisher of ucanews.com, describes his Easter Monday journey to Sendai, where he hopes to “to try to be useful”.  Having celebrated the Sacred Triduum and Easter in Tokyo, I flew to Sendai today to begin working with the Caritas Japan disaster assistance program.

Japanese bishops to set up center to coordinate operations in Sendai

Japanese bishops to set up center to coordinate operations in Sendai

Catholic News Service - Church News el Wed, Mar 16th 2011

Japan's bishops, meeting in Sendai March 16, decided to establish the center and initiate additional relief efforts under the supervision of Caritas. "Young people are continually coming to Caritas from all the dioceses to offer their availability as volunteers to bring aid to the areas most affected by the disaster,"