tagged articles with: dignity

The 'Spotlight' on crimes against children

The 'Spotlight' on crimes against children

Shay Cullen, - UCAnews - Church Issues el Sat, Feb 20th 2016

The 'Spotlight' on crimes against children It is the responsibility of all to protect society's most vulnerable. There comes a time when truth has to be revealed, when the secrecy of crimes can no longer be contained and denied, and when the guilty must be held to account. History shows that secrecy and cover-ups keep that day of reckoning at bay but one day the truth will come out.

MPs put pressure on David Cameron to recognise Christian 'genocide' in the Middle East

MPs put pressure on David Cameron to recognise Christian 'genocide' in the Middle East

Sean Smith - The Tablet - JPIC News el Wed, Dec 23rd 2015
Senior British politicians have put pressure on David Cameron with a letter urging that the UK joins other nation states in recognising the persecution of Christians in the Middle East as “genocide”. Last week the Lithuanian parliament become the first EU state to recognise legally that religious genocide is occurring across the Middle East, particularly in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and northern Africa.
Two ways to solve refugee crisis

Two ways to solve refugee crisis

Ruta Tumenaite - The Tablet Blog - World Issues el Fri, Dec 4th 2015

Two ways to solve refugee crisis: welcome them in, and change the negative attitude in Europe. The so-called crisis of the refugees is in fact “the crisis of the European countries, because we are not prepared to welcome these people”, says Fr. Jean-Marie Carrière SJ, the new regional director of the Jesuit Refugee Service Europe.

Santa Marta Group on Human Trafficking

Santa Marta Group on Human Trafficking

Santa Marta Group - Activities el Thu, Nov 5th 2015

Human Trafficking is one of the gravest criminal challenges confronting the international community. The scale of the problem is such that now, according to some studies, it ranks as the second most profitable worldwide criminal enterprise after the illegal arms trade. The International Labour Organisation estimates that 2.4 million people are trafficked globally.