tagged articles with: freedom

Prison premiere for Turnage's Olympic music

Prison premiere for Turnage's Olympic music

Ian Young - BBC - Activities el Mon, Jan 23rd 2012

Prison director Gareth Sands said music was among a number of activities the inmates take part in. "We see changes in them and music is part of that driver for change," he said."Music and the arts can play a part in their rehabilitation and we hope the Turnage project will be successful in helping prisoners raise their aspirations so they don't return to a life of crime," he said. 

Change For A Dollar

Change For A Dollar

Sharon Wright - Video el Tue, Dec 20th 2011

 What moves you to change? Where do you need to be healed and where can you offer some healing? Take ten minutes to watch this powerful clip and see what feelings and thoughts it stirs up. We often don't think about the chain reaction of love we can set in motion through even the smallest kindness.

Suu Kyi meets papal envoy in church in Yangon

Suu Kyi meets papal envoy in church in Yangon

Thomas Toe - Church News el Sat, Dec 10th 2011

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino spoke together for several minutes ahead of the celebration, the details of which were not immediately known. Her visit underscores her call for national conciliation to include all in society no matter their ethnic or religious background.

Iran: Pastor Nadarkhani refuses to recant during trial

Iran: Pastor Nadarkhani refuses to recant during trial

Christian Solidarity Worldwide - JPIC News el Wed, Sep 28th 2011

 Iranian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has twice refused to recant his Christian faith during two court hearings held in Rasht, Gilan Province on 25 and 26 September. Sources close to CSW indicate that recanting will again be demanded at sessions scheduled for 27 and 28 September, and that if he continues to refuse, he will be executed thereafter.

Slavery in Europe: How big a problem is it?

Slavery in Europe: How big a problem is it?

CNN's Max Foster - JPIC News el Sun, Sep 18th 2011

British authorities recently rescued 24 men that they said were kept as slaves - some for as long as 15 years. the men, from England and parts of Eastern Europe, are "all believed to be victims of slavery." police said. So how big a problem is slaveryh in Europe?

South Sudan: How long will the smiles last?

South Sudan: How long will the smiles last?

From Will Ross BBC News, Juba - Reporters el Sat, Jul 9th 2011

 "Our parents and grandparents were suffering for so long because of war. They brought us independence and so I thank them and I thank God," secondary school student Sarah Keji told me. Expectations here are high and the wish list is as long as the Nile. "After independence, life will be better than before. We are going to see justice, prosperity and our country will develop."

It’s Game Over for African Dictators

It’s Game Over for African Dictators

News from Africa - JPIC News el Wed, Apr 13th 2011

The citizens are tired of oppression, high rates of unemployment and escalating costs of living engendered by poor governance. When pushed to the wall, they will have no option but to take up arms against the dictatorial regime.

Catholic critic of blasphemy law is shot dead in Pakistan

Catholic critic of blasphemy law is shot dead in Pakistan

Ed West - Catholic Herald - World News el Thu, Mar 3rd 2011

Pakistan’s leading Catholic politician has been murdered in the capital Islamabad. Minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti had received numerous death threats after calling for changes to the country’s controversial blasphemy law. The blasphemy law carries a death sentence for anyone who insults Islam, and critics say it has been used to persecute minority faiths.

The release of Aung San Suu Kyi

The release of Aung San Suu Kyi

BBC - World News el Sat, Nov 13th 2010

The release of Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi was "long overdue" and that her detention a "travesty", Prime Minister David Cameron has said. He also called her "an inspiration for all of us who believe in freedom of speech, democracy and human rights".