tagged articles with: justice

Dale Farm travellers lose High Court eviction appeal.  Bishops pleads for Essex travellers

Dale Farm travellers lose High Court eviction appeal. Bishops pleads for Essex travellers

BBC - JPIC News el Thu, Sep 1st 2011

 The Bishop of Brentwood Thomas McMahon has pleaded with Basildon Council to reach a last-minute agreement with hundreds of travellers just hours before the deadline passed for them to leave England's largest illegal campsite. Bishop McMahon, and the Anglican Bishop of Chelmsford, Stephen Cottrell, offered to mediate between the local authority and around 240 traveller families at Dale Farm in Crays Hill, Essex, who had been given until midnight tonight to leave or face eviction.

Facing down a tyrant, Mugabe and the White African by Ben Freeth

Facing down a tyrant, Mugabe and the White African by Ben Freeth

Philip Barclay - Book Review el Wed, Aug 3rd 2011

Freeth’s book, which shares the name of a documentary film made about his family, is a personal account of a terrible decade spent working in Zimbabwean agriculture. During the most intense phase of Mugabe’s farm invasions in 2000-2002, Freeth worked for the Farmers’ Union, doing what he could to protect his members – several of whom were killed in their homes.

NIGERIA: Violence threatens Christians

NIGERIA: Violence threatens Christians

Cisa News - World News el Sat, Jul 16th 2011

July 15, 2011 (CISA) –Militant Islamist Group bombed a protestant church where members were meeting after service on July 10 in Suleja, in Nigeria’s Niger Estate. According to Vatican Radio, there has been an upsurge of violence this week in Nigeria against Christian churches believed to be perpetrated by a fundamentalist Islamic Group known as Boko Haram.

Morality of the profit motive

Morality of the profit motive

The Tablet - 9/7/11 - JPIC News el Thu, Jul 14th 2011

 The Holy See has identified a new public enemy – the speculator. In remarks to delegates at the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Pope Benedict referred to the way food had become a commodity that was now traded without regard to the needs of the world’s hungry people.

Vatican goes online in struggle against child abuse

Vatican goes online in struggle against child abuse

Agence France-Presse - Church News el Sat, Jul 2nd 2011

The Vatican is turning to the Internet in its struggle against child abuse with a new website allowing clergy around the world to share information on eradicating the problem. It will be “a step … on a long and painful path,” adding the website would bring together the latest research on child abuse and Church laws, while allowing churches in different countries to have their say.

A goal greater than profit

A goal greater than profit

Cardinal Bertone - Church Issues el Thu, Jun 16th 2011

The Church has always stressed that commercial activity is essential to the common good.  Her social teaching, past and present, insists that commercial activity should be directed to the common good and not merely to the private profit of property holders

One year to go to prepare for the Olympic Truce!

One year to go to prepare for the Olympic Truce!

- JPIC News el Wed, Jun 8th 2011

Justice and Peace Commissions from Brentwood, Southwark and Westminster dioceses are preparing activities for '100 Days of Peace' around the Olympic and Paralympic Games next year.In particular, they are highlighting  two initiatives for peace, one involving churches and schools, and one involving the UK government and the UN.

The Spanish Revolution grows and spreads

The Spanish Revolution grows and spreads

Typicallyspahish h.b. - Reporters el Fri, May 20th 2011

They want to see fiscal reform that favours those on a low income, they demand dignified housing, and the ability to cancel mortgage debt if the property becomes embargoed. They want to see a single constituencies arranged proportionally to the number of votes in each area, ... They demand that financial rescues be directed at families facing eviction rather than at the banks.

It’s Game Over for African Dictators

It’s Game Over for African Dictators

News from Africa - JPIC News el Wed, Apr 13th 2011

The citizens are tired of oppression, high rates of unemployment and escalating costs of living engendered by poor governance. When pushed to the wall, they will have no option but to take up arms against the dictatorial regime.

The heart of the West’s dilemma

The heart of the West’s dilemma

The Tablet - World Issues el Tue, Apr 5th 2011

Pope Benedict XVI’s words last weekend need to be heeded. He said: “I am becoming progressively more concerned about the wellbeing and safety of civilians.” He went on to plead for a ceasefire and a negotiated solution to the conflict.

Turning crisis into action - Keys to the City of God

Turning crisis into action - Keys to the City of God

Cardinal Peter Turkson - The Tablet - Articles el Mon, Mar 21st 2011

In his social encyclical Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict presented the global economic crisis as an opportunity to shape a new vision for the future. Here, the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace sets out the steps to realising that vision