tagged articles with: morals

New Archbishop of Canterbury challenges David Cameron on gay marriage

New Archbishop of Canterbury challenges David Cameron on gay marriage

Steven Swinford - The Telegraph - Church Issues el Mon, Feb 4th 2013

The new Archbishop of Canterbury will issue a challenge to David Cameron by voicing opposition to gay marriage on the eve of the first parliamentary vote on the controversial new law. In his first official day as leader of the Church of England, the Rt Rev Justin Welby is expected to say that marriage should remain “between a man and a woman”.

UK high on OECD's family breakdown table

UK high on OECD's family breakdown table

BBC - World Issues el Sun, Dec 30th 2012

The UK has one of the highest rates of family breakdown in the Western world, with just 68.9% of children living with both parents, research suggests. The UK comes fourth in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s table, behind Belgium, Latvia and Estonia.