tagged articles with: secularism

Catholic leader Cardinal Keith O'Brien clashes with David Cameron on same-sex marriage plans

Catholic leader Cardinal Keith O'Brien clashes with David Cameron on same-sex marriage plans

Patrick Hennessy, and Edward Malnick - The Telegraph - World Issues el Mon, Mar 5th 2012

The Catholic Church is on a collision course with David Cameron as one of its most senior figures issues an outspoken attack on the Government over its plans to legalise gay marriage. Cardinal Keith O’Brien, the leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland, says the proposals to allow same-sex unions are “madness” and a “grotesque subversion of a universally accepted human right”.

Archbishop Vincent Nichols: secularists are holding back the faithful

Archbishop Vincent Nichols: secularists are holding back the faithful

Madelaine Teahan - The Catholic Herald - Church Issues el Fri, Feb 17th 2012

Speaking after an official state visit to the Holy See, Archbishop Vincent Nichols said that secularists, “with a kind of stubbornness, with a dogmatism, want to isolate faith and privatise it”, adding: “It is often that kind of intolerance of the reality of faith which is holding back some of the best contributions that can be made to the common good.”  

We stand side by side with the Pope in fighting for faith

We stand side by side with the Pope in fighting for faith

Baroness Warsi - The Daily Telegraph - Church Issues el Wed, Feb 15th 2012

 When I met the Holy Father in 2010 he told me that he had heard what I had been saying and urged me to carry on making my case robustly.  I will be arguing that to create a more just society, people need to feel stronger in their religious identities and more confident in their creeds. In practice this means individuals not diluting their faiths and nations not denying their religious heritages.

Working with the Muslims	at the UN.

Working with the Muslims at the UN.

Austin Ruse - The Catholic Thing - World Issues el Mon, Jan 16th 2012

 On the negotiating floor, I approached a Muslim ambassador and said, “This session is going all night long and its going to be very tough going. And when it gets really hard, I want you to know that right over there,” and I pointed to a section of raised seats off to the side, “twenty Christians will be praying for you.” That night this man was a tiger in defense of unborn children.

Speak up for Christianity

Speak up for Christianity

Tim Shipman - Mail Online - World News el Sat, Dec 17th 2011

Speak up for Christianity, Cameron tells Archbishop: PM calls on the Church to defend 'values and moral code' of the Bible.Mr Cameron declared Britain ‘a Christian country’ and said politicians and churchmen should not be afraid to say so. 

Historically senseless hypocrisy

Historically senseless hypocrisy

Lucetta Scaraffia - Articles el Wed, Oct 5th 2011

The news that the BBC has decided to change the descriptions of the dates BC, Before Christ, and AD, Anno Domini to a generic “CE”, Common Era, in order not to offend believers of other religions, has not elicited much reaction except from the very many non-Christians who let it be known through various spokesmen that they did not in any way feel offended by the traditional dating.

Christians in the UK are being persecuted - MP

Christians in the UK are being persecuted - MP

CW Postings - Reporters el Mon, May 30th 2011

Christian MP David Simpson has raised his concern over the treatment of Christians in the United Kingdom and around the world in a debate in the House of Commons this week. The DUP politician told ministers that if they wanted to see instances of Christian persecution they need not go to other countries but “simply look to our own back door”.

Census: How religious is the UK?

Census: How religious is the UK?

BBC - Spirituality el Tue, Feb 22nd 2011

A publicity drive has started for the census, now just five weeks away, but the survey is being criticised for its question on religion. So is it even possible to accurately measure how religious the UK is? According to the last Census 10 years ago, more than two-thirds of people in Britain regarded themselves as Christian - 72% in England and Wales, and 65% in Scotland. More than 1.5 million in England and Wales, more than 3% of the population, said they were Muslim and nearly eight million ticked "no religion".

Slow, Mysterious Egypt Sits and Waits...?

Slow, Mysterious Egypt Sits and Waits...?

Fr Steve Grunow - World Issues el Mon, Feb 14th 2011

Fr Steve Assistant Director of Word on Fire, takes a closer look at the recent  upheaval in Egypt, offering his perspective on the status of Mubarak's transition out of power as well as the intertwining of political and theological realities in a cultural situation that is outside of a "western" frame of reference.