tagged articles with: values

The US Presidential 2016 Election. What they stand for?

The US Presidential 2016 Election. What they stand for?

Charles C. Camosy - The Tablet - World Issues el Mon, Nov 28th 2016

2016 Election: The US presidential circus has highlighted the fact that no one knows what the two main parties stand for anymore  For many years, a simple choice between two alternatives dominated the US political agenda. But the 2016 presidential campaign marked a turning point, especially in the loyalties of pro-lifers. Their new support and new thinking means no party can take them for granted any more

Holmily for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Holmily for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Angel Ochagavia - Way & Life - Homilies el Sat, Jan 29th 2011

The Beatitudes: These eight statements extol some of the revolutionary values of the Kingdom Jesus has come to establish. They contain a message of hope for all the afflicted. They are an invitation addressed to all to gaze beyond the dim horizon of human limitations, injustices, tragedies.