tagged articles with: violence

Is the Church inside or outside the establishment?

Is the Church inside or outside the establishment?

Stephen Tomkins - BBC - Church Issues el Sun, Oct 30th 2011

 Major national Churches are often the focus of protest. A homeless man, known to the authorities for his radical activism, once slipped into one with his supporters and wrecked it, overturning tables and lashing out with a homemade whip. His point was that what should have been a place of prayer for all people had become an institution fleecing the poor. Those were tougher times than now, and he was executed a week later.

Vatican calls for reflection after Gaddafi death

Vatican calls for reflection after Gaddafi death

Vatican Radio - Reporters el Fri, Oct 21st 2011

The news of the death of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi marks the end of a much too long and tragic phase of a brutal struggle to bring down a harsh and oppressive regime.  This dramatic event obliges us yet again to reflect on the immense toll of human suffering which accompanies the affirmation and collapse of any system which is not based on the respect and dignity of the human person, but rather on the prevailing affirmation of power.

LIBYA 2011       Poem by SHARI EPPEL


Shari Eppel - Articles el Thu, Oct 20th 2011
Gadaffi furls and unfurls his umbrella
a giant albino bat's wing
in the desert
where it never rains
but tonight
bombs hail down from the sky
shredding pale flesh to lace
red tear drops splatter
in the desert's face ...
Dale Farm eviction starts with violence in the biggest traveller site in Europe

Dale Farm eviction starts with violence in the biggest traveller site in Europe

BBC - Reporters el Thu, Oct 20th 2011

The eviction, which could cost up to £18m, marks the end of a 10-year battle between travellers, who bought a former scrapyard on green belt land in 2001 and established their caravans there, and the council. More travellers joined them and some semi-permanent chalet dwellings were built. Over the past few days, travellers and their supporters have reinforced the perimeter of the 49 illegal plots at the site. 

Church, groups condemn killing of Italian priest in the Philippines

Church, groups condemn killing of Italian priest in the Philippines

Malu Cadelina Manar - CathNews - Church News el Tue, Oct 18th 2011

 Lone gunman reportedly kills Fr. Fausto Tentorio, a leading anti-crime campaigner in Kidapawan, Mindanao. The priest was due to attend a regular meeting of Kidapawan diocese clergy at the house of Bishop Romulo de la Cruz in Kidapawan City today. Father Tentorio had been an active law and order campaigner in Arakan town. Only recently, he was appointed as head of a civilian anti-criminal task force in the town.

Where child sacrifice is a business

Where child sacrifice is a business

Chris Roger - BBC News - World News el Sun, Oct 16th 2011
A BBC undercover reporter is told: "We can bury the child alive on your construction site" The villages and farming communities that surround Uganda's capital, Kampala, are gripped by fear.  Schoolchildren are closely watched by teachers and parents as they make their way home from school. In playgrounds and on the roadside are posters warning of the danger of abduction by witch doctors for the purpose of child sacrifice.
Protesters bed down at cathedral

Protesters bed down at cathedral

Associated Press - World News el Sun, Oct 16th 2011

 Protesters are preparing to spend their second night camped out in the grounds of St Paul's Cathedral as part of an anti-capitalist demonstration in London. The Reverend Dr Giles Fraser, Canon Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral, said: "People have a right to protest and it's been very good natured. Church went down well this morning. There were no problems. We had no problems getting people in. People were very helpful."

Anti-corporate protests to hit London

Anti-corporate protests to hit London

Leon Neal | AFP - JPIC News el Fri, Oct 14th 2011

 "This is a people-powered movement protesting against the increasing social and economic injustice in the UK," OccupyLSX supporter Kai Wargalla explained on Wednesday.  "We want to stand with...the overwhelming majority who value people over profit. We want to make our voices heard against greed, corruption and for a democratic, just society," she added.

London 2012: "100 days of peace" campaign is launched

London 2012: "100 days of peace" campaign is launched

BBC - Church News el Tue, Oct 11th 2011
The Olympics must be remembered "for peace as well as sport", the brother of a teenager killed in London has said. George Mizen, 12, is joining thousands of British children from nearly 500 Catholic schools in London, Essex, Kent and Hertfordshire to call for "100 days of peace" around next year's Games.
The schoolboy lost his brother Jimmy, 16, when he was stabbed at a bakery in Lee, south-east London, in May 2008. A mass will be held at Westminster Cathedral later to launch the campaign.
Explosive new book details war on unborn baby girls

Explosive new book details war on unborn baby girls

Marianne Medlin - JPIC News el Mon, Oct 3rd 2011


Imagine waking up one day to find that every single woman in the U.S. has disappeared. Picture this, writes author and scientific journalist Mara Hvistendahl, and you will come close to understanding the magnitude of over 160 million baby girls being selectively aborted in Asia and East Europe over the last few decades.

Heroic New York priests vividly recall Sept. 11 attacks

Heroic New York priests vividly recall Sept. 11 attacks

Marianne Medlin - Articles el Wed, Sep 7th 2011

 Fr. Rutler, current pastor of Church of our Savior in New York City, was living at St. Agnes Parish near Grand Central Station during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. He told CNA that he remembers the details of that day 10 years ago “very well – as though they happened yesterday.” 

England riots: The world is watching

England riots: The world is watching

Gavin Hewitt - BBC - World Issues el Thu, Aug 11th 2011

 Certainly Europe has been watching. Its papers and TV channels have devoted enormous coverage to the riots.  "Disunited Kingdom", said the headline in the French paper LiberationLe Monde's front page was "England in flames".

Liberation, a left-leaning paper, made a wider point: "The riots in London are a serious alarm call for the UK but also for all mixed and unequal Western societies".


UK riots: What turns people into looters?

UK riots: What turns people into looters?

By Tom de Castella & Caroline McClatchey BBC News Magazine - World Issues el Wed, Aug 10th 2011

 Rioters have set fire to cars and buses. Llooting makes "powerless people suddenly feel powerful" and that is "very intoxicating". "The world has been turned upside down. The youngsters are used to adults in authority telling them they cannot do this or this will happen. Then they do it and nothing happens."


Looting - why not if you are a moral relativist?

Looting - why not if you are a moral relativist?

Fr Tim Finigan - Articles el Tue, Aug 9th 2011

 The Youth of the Middle East rise up for basic freedoms.The Youth of London rise up for a HD ready 42" Plasma TV. That seems to be a consensus view and not many people are now trying to blame the rioting on "the cuts". Unless we recover some basic Christian values in our society it will happen again and probably more seriously during some summer soon. 

Facing down a tyrant, Mugabe and the White African by Ben Freeth

Facing down a tyrant, Mugabe and the White African by Ben Freeth

Philip Barclay - Book Review el Wed, Aug 3rd 2011

Freeth’s book, which shares the name of a documentary film made about his family, is a personal account of a terrible decade spent working in Zimbabwean agriculture. During the most intense phase of Mugabe’s farm invasions in 2000-2002, Freeth worked for the Farmers’ Union, doing what he could to protect his members – several of whom were killed in their homes.