tagged articles with: world

Full Text: Pope Francis’s address to diplomatic corps

Full Text: Pope Francis’s address to diplomatic corps

Catholic Herald - Staff Reporter - Monday, 11 Jan 2016 - World Issues el Tue, Jan 12th 2016

 The Pope spoke to members of the diplomatic corps in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace: I offer you a cordial welcome to this annual gathering. It allows me to offer you my best wishes for the New Year and to reflect with you on the state of our world, so loved and blessed by God, and yet fraught with so many ills.

Faith leaders help to forge historic climate deal

Faith leaders help to forge historic climate deal

The Tablet - World Issues el Wed, Dec 30th 2015

United Nations secretary ­general Ban Ki-moon has acknowledged the contribution of faiths to last weekend’s accord between 195 countries to stem carbon emissions and set the world on a more sustainable ­environmental path. He included “faith leaders” in his list of civil society climate campaigners who have “come together under one banner and brought forth this moment of hope”. 

For every living creature on earth

For every living creature on earth

Mark Dowd-The Tablet - World Issues el Fri, Jun 19th 2015

Pope Francis is not the first pope to address environmental issues but he is the first to devote an encyclical to them. Tackling climate change is not only an issue of justice and human survival, but an act of faith in God’s creation of the world. Laudato Si is the most eagerly awaited papal encyclical for decades.