tagged articles with: youth

Catholic Film Festival Swims Against the Flow

Catholic Film Festival Swims Against the Flow

Eponymous Flower - Activities el Wed, Jul 16th 2014

The International Catholic Film Festival. The aim of the festival is to give space and visibili The aim of the festival is to give space and visibility to  producers and directors of feature films, documentaries, docu-fiction, television series and short films, to promote  the "positive models and universal moral values”  which are therefore consistent with Christianity. 

The Revolution is Here

The Revolution is Here

Carly Andrews - Tony Eccles - Aleteia - Activities el Thu, Jul 10th 2014

Invocation: The revolution is here: The organisation’s creator and Executive director Chris Smith speaks to Aleteia about the revolutionary organisation and the secret to its success. “Ultimately what we do is we try to help young people everywhere to hear, recognise, discern and then respond to the call of Christ in their lives.

We all can win the World Cup

We all can win the World Cup

Msgr. Charles Pope - Washington Arch. - Activities el Tue, Jul 8th 2014

On the Lord’s Team! A Reflection on Sports Providing an Image of the Christian Life. The World Cup captured a lot of attention these past few weeks. I puzzle a bit as to the popularity of soccer since it seems that almost no one ever scores.

World Cup Theology

World Cup Theology

Dr Lincoln Harvey - The Tablet - Activities el Wed, Jul 2nd 2014

The World Cup is now well under way. We’ve had some brilliant games and some wonderful goals. It is shaping up to be a great tournament. But is there a way for us to use the World Cup in our evangelism? The short answer is yes.

Traditional values are secret of our success, say Scouts as membership soars

Traditional values are secret of our success, say Scouts as membership soars

John Bingham - The Telegraph - Activities el Thu, May 8th 2014

Holding on to traditional values – including keeping God in its promise – has helped the Scouts see a dramatic increase in members, the organisation’s chief commissioner has insisted. New figures show that the number of Scouts in the UK has jumped by almost a quarter in the last decade and membership is now at its highest level for a generation.

Hunger for Life

Hunger for Life

Jean Houston - Articles el Thu, Apr 24th 2014

The world has been re-arranged, the reset button of history has been hit. Many are called to take initiatives that before would have seemed unlikely, if not downright impossible, including the rethinking of the reality of the Intelligence that underlies the universe….

Un Dios Prohibido - A Forbidden God

Un Dios Prohibido - A Forbidden God

Contracorriente Productions - Video el Tue, Feb 26th 2013

Summer 1936 at the start of the Spanish Civil War. The film tells us about the martyrdom of 51 members of the Claretian Community of Barbastro (Huesca, Spain). Excellent portrait of the human and religious dimension of each person involved in such a real tragedy of our history. The sacrifies of young Claretians proclaim that "Love overcomes death." 

Go, Be Missionaries - WYD Rio 2013 Anthem English Version

Go, Be Missionaries - WYD Rio 2013 Anthem English Version

claret.org.uk - Video el Thu, Feb 21st 2013

London pop band Ooberfuse have been chosen to sing and record in English the official youth anthem of World Youth Day 2013. This English version of the WYD Rio 2013 is great, youthful, faithful, joyful. Congratulatios Ooberfuse. Hope Cherrie Anderson's voice will encourage many to "Go, be missionaries".

Be bearers of the message of Christian unity

Be bearers of the message of Christian unity

Pope Benedict XVI - Activities el Sun, Jan 6th 2013

Be bearers of the message of Christian unity. Pope addresses 45,000 young members of the ecumenical Taizé community. Dear young friends, Christ does not remove you from the world. He sends you there where His light is missing, so that you may bring it to others. Yes, you are all called to be small lights to those around you.

New Year's resolutions?

New Year's resolutions?

Fr Stephen Wang - Activities el Sat, Jan 5th 2013

I spent the last three days of the year helping on a retreat for young people in south London. On New Year's Eve we had a discussion session, and I put this question to them: If you knew the world was going to end in exactly one hour, what would you do with the time? 

Young 'cannot cope with daily life'

Young 'cannot cope with daily life'

BBC - Prince's Trust - World Issues el Sat, Jan 5th 2013

Unemployed young people are more likely to feel like they are unable to cope, the trust says. One in 10 young people feel they cannot cope with day-to-day life - with those not in work, education or training more than twice as likely to feel this way - according to a Prince's Trust survey.

Taizé in Rome

Taizé in Rome

L'Osservatore Romano - Activities el Sat, Dec 29th 2012

The 35th European Youth Meeting sponsored by the Taizé Community begins on Friday, 28 December, in Rome. More than 40,000 youth are expected for the traditional “Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth” which will last for six days. 

Pope's Message for Twenty-Eight World Youth Day

Pope's Message for Twenty-Eight World Youth Day

Pope Benedict XVI - Activities el Sat, Dec 22nd 2012

 "Go and make disciples of all nations!" is the title of the Holy Father's Message for the twenty-eighth World Youth Day 2013, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in July 2013. Some excerpts from the English language version of the text are given here.