Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Christopher Newman, cmf

We sometimes use the phrase ‘he thinks he can walk on water’ in a pejorative sense of someone who claims to be able to do incredible things.  No wonder the apostles in the boat thought they were seeing a ghost when this figure came walking towards them one stormy night in the middle of the lake.  Peter finally took his courage in his hands and asked for an invitation to come to Jesus.  Without thinking twice, he leapt out and walked towards Jesus.  It was only when reality struck him, when he thought he couldn’t be doing this that he began to sink.  His initial trust had failed him.  He let mundane concerns get the better of him.  He lost his faith.  Jesus invites us to put our trust and faith in him, to live our lives knowing that we can rely on him to be there when things get difficult.  Let us, with the apostles, bow down before him and proclaim, ‘Truly, you are the Son of God.’


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