Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. George Vayaliparampil, cmf


“Even the hairs of your head have all been counted.” This single phrase of Jesus shows us how much the Lord loves us and cares for us. The last words of Jesus in the Gospel of Mathew (28:20) are, ‘Am with us always, until the end of the world’. Our God is a God who cares for us, who is always with us and has even given a security guard (guardian angel) to protect us. He is not like manufactures of goods, who at the most can give a manual to follow or give answers to FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). But he is the one who cares even for a single hair on our head. He is the one who is ready to search the one lost sheep leaving the 99 that are with him. Let us opt to live with him and for him. 


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