Commentary on the Gospel of

Eduardo Madrazo cmf
Thursday, September 15. Our Lady of the Seven Dolors.

John 19:25-25. “How that loving mother was pierced with grief and anguish when she saw the sufferings of her Son (Stabat Mater)”.

 Yesterday we celebrated the Exaltation of the Cross, and today we contemplate the mystery of the suffering of Virgin Mary in the passion and dead of her Son. Today`s Gospel told us that Mary is very close to the suffering of her Son. And also, to his Salvation mission. That is why she accepts all those sons and daughters who are represented in the disciple who stood up near the Cross. And we all, like that disciple, receive Mary as our mother. She can teach us how to live like Jesus Christ has done and how to continue the Kingdom.

We have to get used to Virgin Mary as a suffering mother, especially when we see or we remember some of the Holy Week images. However, Christian tradition remembers Mary as the valiant mother, who kept on firmly and did not lose her hope even when her Son was on the cross. She is the prototype of courage in the middle of sufferings. Her courage is based on hope. Mary never lost hope, even when her Son died on the cross. We all should have Mary`s feelings. Whenever we are suffering any painful situation, we cannot lose hope.


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