Commentary on the Gospel of

Eduardo Madrazo cmf
Luke 8:1-3 “Accompanying them were some women, who provided for them out of their resources

Today`s Gospel sums up Jesus Christ’s normal activity: walking, healing the sick, and announcing the Kingdom in town and villages. Jesus is not alone. Close to him there are the disciples and a group of women. All of them are following him, learning from Jesus, the teacher, how to be of service and how to announce the Kingdom.

If we have a look over these women`s history, all of them had been healed by Jesus. Luke is not focused on their titles or their merits, he especially underlines that they “had been healed of evil spirits and diseases”. These women answer Jesus by giving their lives, following him and also providing him with their own funds. In addition to this, we should remember that these women were near Jesus Christ`s cross. Also they were the first to receive the good news of his Resurrection.

For some people this text can be a reason to discuss women`s position in the church. But going ahead and leaving apart those discussions, we can focus on what was the deep reason for entering in the community: they had been healed by Jesus. That invites us to recognize our own wounds and ask Jesus Christ to heal us. Feeling for ourselves that Jesus touch our wounds and give us health, we can answer like those women, following Jesus and announcing the Kingdom with our lives and with whatever we have.


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