Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF and Andrzej Kobylski cmf

Monday 29th  St Martha
1 Jn 4: 7-16; Jn 11: 19-27

Martha epitomizes what the First Reading says about one loving, and being loved by God, and acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God. Martha is made privy to one of the I AM revelations --- that Jesus is the resurrection!

But notice the movement of grace in this episode of the Gospel. Jesus first comes to Bethany! That is grace. Martha responds by going out to meet him; unlike Mary.  Then the revelation by Jesus, and then a further response by Martha, one that is reminiscent of Peter at Caesarea Philippi.


Commentaries for 29 July by Andrzej Kobylski cmf

29 July, 2019, John 11:19-27

We should not trust the first impression when we read this account from St John Gospel. It might seem that Martha’s words toward Jesus sound rather harsh, that she complains that Jesus neglected her family. But the truth will always set us free. Martha’s words are much more than emotional expression, this is confession of faith. In the subsequent words we discover the real core of Gospel: Jesus is the resurrection and life, and whoever believes in him will never die. This is a breakthrough not only in Martha’s and Mary’s lives it is important for us as well. Although, there are about 2000 year that separate us from Martha and Mary, our experience is almost the same; in the face of any unhappiness, sickness or death we have to cope with we need to rely on Jesus. His presence is incontestable or at least it should be. If you feel it doesn’t it is better to you to go to Bethany but it is much better to examine your faith. As a matter of fact, Martha said to Jesus: “If you had been here (…)” but for people who call themselves Christians, Jesus is always present in their prayer, lecture of the Bible and sacraments.


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