Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

The tragic death of the Galileans was interpreted to suit their belief and context. Pilate, to quell rebellion, killed some. The Pharisees who indirectly supported Romans thought they deserved to die. The zealots who fought Romans thought those died at Siloam, deserved to die for they were working for Romans. Jesus made it clear that calamities, even man-made atrocities were not God’s punishments for sins. Everyone must die. Jesus did not explain why people must face different kind of death. But he emphasised the need for repentance.

St. Paul clearly speaks of the relation between sin and disaster and says, ‘wages of sin is death.’ The disasters in one’s own life and around can be an eye opener towards the need repentance and a spiritual awakening. Does the barren fig tree tell something about our lives as well?


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