Liturgy Alive Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
you enter our existence,
torn and divided as it is,
and with death written into it,
to set us free with the life of your Spirit.
May we give space to your Spirit
to work in us, to unify and renew
our being and our actions,
that with his help we may overcome
the forces of evil in us.
May we not be cut down like fruitless trees
but live for life and for love
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

General Intercessions

- That all the faithful, leaders and members, may heed the call of the Church to look into our own hearts and to change what ought to be changed, we pray:

- That we may bring a bit of warmth to those whose hearts are empty and cold, that they may discover happiness in the love of God and neighbor, we pray:

- That the word of God may stir us to bear fruits of justice and love, and that the bread of life of the eucharist may make us strong and faithful, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, God of life and love,
you created people in your own likeness
and then you sent your Son among us
to take on our own human likeness.
As he comes now among us,
he who knew how to cope with sin,
may his Spirit become the source
of our vitality and strength,
that your Son's experience may become ours
and that with him we die to sin
and live for a life that never ends.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
may we be so guided in life by your Spirit,
who is also the Spirit of Jesus, your Son,
that we may not be merely grateful
for the freedom he brought us,
nor claim his message as our ideology.
We pray you rather
that your Son may live in us in such a way
that people recognize that he is alive in us
who is our Lord for ever.


God sent his Son to take sin away and to make us live in the Spirit, who brings us life and peace. So we must live the life of the Spirit, with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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