Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

Over and over in the last discourses, (Jn 13-17), we note Jesus’ sensitivity to and concern for his beloved disciples.  Moreover, when we might have expected him to be more preoccupied with his own imminent suffering.  Jesus reminds his friends, including ourselves, that sorrow will be there for sure but that it will never have the last say.  It will be turned to joy, a joy that no one can ever remove. Love, remain, obey, joy are the pet themes of John’s Gospel.   They overlap and are interlinked so that where one is found, the others are likely to be present too.  Jesus dares to invite us into a relationship with him which parallels that which he has with the Father.  And all with the sole aim that our joy will be complete. 

St. Augustine says we are made for God and only God can satisfy us.  If we are made for God, the implication is that we’re not made for mere keeping of laws.   We are children of freedom and do well to remain in God. The first reading is tinged with a blend of the same sorrow and joy – sorrow because of Paul’s rejection and joy because leading families among the Jews, offered themselves for Baptism.  In the words of today’s Psalm, let us ‘sing a new song to the Lord.’


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