Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

Jesus’ concern for his disciples is particularly touching in today’s Gospel.   He knows he is about to face his passion and death and that he will be no longer around.  Quite incredibly, he is not worried about himself but about his friends.   He is at pains to console and comfort them.  He wants them and us to know that his going away is paradoxically good news. Because he will meet them again. In an ‘admirable exchange’, Jesus’ going back to the Father opens the way for the Spirit, the Advocate, to come to the disciples. 

It is this wonderful Spirit who opens people’s minds and hearts to the deeper meaning of all Jesus taught in his preaching days.  It is precisely this Spirit of truth and wisdom who abides in and animates the Church and each member of the Church.  It enables them to know the meaning of present suffering and empowers them to recognize the lasting victory of joy. God is in charge, not the prince of evil.  And so, when we trust and obey God, all things are well.  Let us savor Christ’s peace.


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