Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

Paul’s favourite metaphor in his teaching to the Christians was the phrase ‘in Christ.’  Jesus himself spoke often of his being in us and our being in him.  Both Paul and John base their teaching on this mutual indwelling.  When we are in Christ we appear to the Father as Christ himself and are loved with the same love that the Father has for the Son.  Jesus is revealing a new relationship between God and the believer. Especially after the resurrection Jesus is drawing all to have personal and direct relationship with God without intermediaries that were prevalent till the day. Now God has become accessible to all and we approach God not because of our merits, but Jesus the only intercessor has made us lovable and acceptable for God.

Our love for Jesus is our passport to life with the Father and our home in heaven.  Our love for Jesus of course, is a practical, down-to-earth love which shows itself in our concern for our brothers and sisters.  This is clear from the first reading.  Let us imitate Priscilla, Aquila, Apollos in our day, especially as the world around us walking the pandemic times and looking up to every sign of God in love and compassion extended by the hands that care and representing God on earth.


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