Commentary on the Gospel of

Martín Areta Higuera cmf
It is always illuminating to read and compare the first reading and the gospel.

In today's readings, images abound. A brook dried up because it does not rain; a widow and her son for whom life is ending. Bread, flour and oil that are not sufficient. A covered light that doesn´t shine. Some non-salty salt.

What images would we add today? A Church that does not bear witness, a Christian life with a sick faith. A believer who doesn´t pray. A society that is not supportive. A technological era in which we are unable to communicate.

And yet, Elias, in the name of God, reminds us: "Do not be afraid", share your bread and your flour. You will not die.

And Jesus, who knows us, reminds us: you are the salt of the earth, like a city built on a mountain; you are the light of the world.

Believe. Share. Shine. Love. Remember you were baptized (with water, salt, Easter light, and oil). Don´t be afraid.


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