Commentary on the Gospel of

Martín Areta Higuera cmf
Why is breaking the least important command so serious?

The intention of the gospel´s writer is related to the continuity of the Law, a classic theme for Matthew. He, while presenting Jesus to the Jews as the Son of God, tells readers that he is the fulfilment of God´s promise. We are not Jews, and perhaps this topic is not as important for our spiritual life.

This Gospel goes beyond the Jewish-Christian controversies, and reminds us that Jesus did not come to cut or to crush our humanity, but to fulfil it. Everything has to be important to us, because we, not as good as we would like, are important to Him. We cannot forget a syllable or a comma of the Law, because, when taking care of small things (specially small people) we assume the style of Jesus, who, “being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness” (Philippians 2:6-7).

Furthermore, if the main Law is the people, then the face of the poorest is the very first for us, as the saints used to believe, live and give testimony to us.


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