Commentary on the Gospel of

Larry Hopp - Creighton University - Retired


Memorial of Saint John Neumann


How does God reveal himself to us?  Is some sort of epiphany required for each of us to truly know God – to give our hearts wholeheartedly to our Savior?  Today’s reflection provides some in depth insight to that question.

As we remember Saint John Neumann’s life, we encounter perhaps a modern day “wiseman,” we see a man who undoubtedly was touched by God at an early age.  That personal epiphany led him to vigorously pursue a life of missionary outreach.  That revelation of God and His plan for his life resulted in the founding of many churches and even the creation of hospitals and orphanages. 

While immersed in the Christmas season, and specifically as we celebrate the Christian Epiphany, we cannot help but turn our thoughts to the incredible extent to which God works to reveal Himself to us.  We marvel at the journey the wise men chose to follow.  Do you think they really understood that God was about to reveal himself to them through a tiny baby – a baby lying in a meager stable? 

In our Reading today from 1st John, we are reminded exactly why and how God chose (and continues to choose) to reveal Himself to us – because “God is love!”  It is precisely through His love for us that He reveals Himself to us.  The kind of love that would send His only-begotten Son into the world to save us from our sins.  This startling act certainly opens the door for our personal epiphany of who God is and what He means in each of our lives.  God’s plan, His goal, is to reveal Himself to all mankind.  Our Responsorial  Psalm reminds us of that promise that “every nation” on earth will adore Him.  His judgements will result in peace and justice for all.  And yes, we have an obligation as a part of God’s plan to take  that good news to those He has placed in our lives.  Today’s Alleluia from Luke clearly reinforces that obligation that we must use our personal epiphany/our commitment to God / to reveal our savior to everyone.

So back to the original question for today: How does God reveal himself to us? 

The intriguing story we find in today’s Gospel from Mark provides a detailed example of just how God often reveals Himself through routine daily events of life.   After a long day of teaching, Jesus sought to get away with His disciples to a quiet place.  However, a large crowd was able to discover where Jesus had gone and, hungry for more of His teaching, crowded in to hear Him.  As it was late in the day, Jesus knew that they would soon need food.  He met them precisely where they were and set about to address their need for an evening meal.  This attention to detail resulted in a miracle of feeding over 5,000 men (plus likely their families) with five loaves and two fish.  So what is the purpose of including this story as a part of His Holy Word?  Could it be that it is much more than allowing us to see the miraculous power of God?  Could it be that it is intended to open our eyes and hearts to the countless ways that God reveals Himself in the ordinary events of our lives each and every day?  Do we let the hustle and bustle of our daily routines rob us of seeing God revealing Himself to us each day?  I know that I so often fail to recognize all that God is doing in my life – how He is clearly involved with all the little details.  How these revelations happen is truly unfathomable – but routine for our amazing God.  God’s orchestration of the details of our lives provides a constantly renewing epiphany of God revealing Himself to us – if only we open our eyes & hearts to comprehend.   

Dear Heavenly Father,  thank you for the Epiphany example that we find in the wise men’s story.  Help us to see your love as you reveal yourself to us each and every day.  Empower us to truly embrace our own epiphany, to embrace your love as we give ourselves, wholly and completely to you.   In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.


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