Commentary on the Gospel of

Andy Alexander, S.J. - Creighton University's Collaborative Ministry Office

Beloved, if God so loved us,
we also must love one another. ...
God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him. ...
There is no fear in love,
but perfect love drives out fear. 1 John 4 

“Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!”  Mark 6

This is a wonderful day to ask for the grace to let God's love into our hearts and to let that love drive fear away.

Fear is so debilitating. It is especially damaging to our peace, our ability to face challenges with courage, and our ability to love. There are many things that can lead us to fear. Certainly bad experiences of the past can cause fear of the future, fear of being hurt again. Uncertainty alone can lead to fear of the unknown. We all know from experience that the longer fear has a grip on us the deeper it gets.

What is the opposite of fear? What happens when love drives fear out? Fearlessness, for sure, is one result. There is a freedom and even a flexibility and courage. To be unafraid allows us to be bold, even to take risks we never would have taken before. It allows us to be vulnerable and less guarded or defended. Peace and a calm comes, in the absence of fear, that allows us to hear better, see better, experience more fully, and to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit more freely.

John is urging us to love, because God is love. He is inviting us to remain in God's love and to let God remain in us. He clearly states the obvious, which is so difficult to let deep inside of us. "If God so loved us, we also must love one another." We can see the tragic results when we try to love God and not love our neighbor. Our credibility as witnesses of God's love in us goes out the window. We know something is wrong. Upon reflection, we may discover that at the root of our struggle to love others is our fear, our many fears.

John tells us, "There is no fear in love." God's love takes away our fear. Whatever happens to us, we are in the loving embrace of our God, all the time. John describes it as "perfect love" which "drives out fear." God's love for us is perfect - like no other love we've ever experienced. It is un-conditional. God doesn't love us only when, and if, we do this or that. God loves us because God made us; God knows our story; and God is aware of our pain and our sin. God loves us because God always wants to help us be whole and free and loving. It is how God's love works. When we let ourselves experience, feel and embrace the security of that complete love, our fears begin to lessen and melt away. We can say, "Lord, with your love, I'm no longer afraid." If we say it over and over, this simple prayer becomes liberating, empowering, and it gives us the courage to love others fear-less-ly.

In the gospel, there's a storm at sea. Pope Francis, at the beginning of the pandemic turned to this passage and reminded us that while we are all "at sea, in a storm," we are in the same boat, with Jesus. Whatever sea tosses us around, whatever storm threatens our security, whatever fear begins to take hold of us. Jesus is there to say, "Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!"

Our role is to be open to, to ask for, to trust and rely on that love. We can choose to live in his love and to let his love drive out our fear. Then, we will have courage and be freer and more centered and readied to calm the stormy seas others are facing, because we know he is with us always.


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