Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C )

"Do whatever he tells you".

Jesus appears in public for the first time in a unique way, when he is invited to a wedding with his disciples and his mother, the Virgin Mary. The celebration is endangered by the early shortage of wine, which seems is only noticed by Mary.

Those getting married had not realized tha shortage of wine for the celebration. And so, Mary makes Jesus to bring forward "his hour". The miracle was "implored" to Jesus through the intercession of his Mother and the total willingness of the servants who listened to him.

Mary said to the servers: "Do whatever he tells you".

This prodigious event took place in Cana, it was the first of the signs that Jesus performed, when he manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him. In the story of the wedding at Cana Jesus manifests himself as the Saviour of mankind. And Mary, who opens the doors of her house, showing us her son, asks us to do whatever he tells us to do, with confidence and full of joy.

Marriage is a sacrament in which love must be very present.
But what is love? 
St. Paul wrote this beautiful thing about Christian love: "Love is is understanding, helpful and not envious, not proud, not conceited, not selfish, not irritable, does not keep score, does not take account, is not jealous, is not proud, is not conceited, is not selfish, does not rejoice in evil, does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices with the truth. He always forgives and never passes away. (1 Cor. 13-4-8 )".

If you want your Christian marriages to enjoy lasting love, invite Jesus and Mary into your home.

Jesus, take us to where your Mother is, for with her we will regain the joy of following you.

(Psalm 95) Tell the wonders of the Lord to all peoples.



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