Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines

Courting Miracles

In July 2019, a Zimbabwean pastor, wanting to convince his flock about the power of prayer, announced that he would walk on water on the following Sunday. He fasted and prayed for a week. At the designated day and time, in the presence of his family and believers, he entered the lake. As he moved in, hoping to lift himself above the water, three crocodiles came from nowhere and devoured him. In a matter of minutes, what remained afloat were only a piece of his clothing and footwear. Sad!  Whereas signs and miracles may accompany faith, we are not to put the Lord to the test. Nor are we to take everything in the Bible literally either. Perhaps the new languages we are gifted to speak are the languages of love and forgiveness; the snakes we handle are the worldly deceptions; or the poison that does not affect us are the dangerous philosophies that the world feeds on. Our mission is to preach; as to the miraculous acts, let us leave them to God’s discretion.


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