Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines

Precarious Oneness

Being one in heart and mind, with everyone sharing everything with everyone else is every Christian community’s dream. Even Carl Marx would be envious! However, even as Luke ends the fourth chapter with this dream description, the reality strikes hard immediately—as early as the fifth chapter, wherein Ananias and Sapphira play spoilsport. And, in the sixth, we are told of neglect of widows. Not long after, we encounter tensions regarding Peter’s visit to Cornelius, objections to the uncircumcised, etc. The truth is, it is hard to maintain “oneness in heart and mind” unless we are totally open to the “exceptional grace” amidst us and, as Jesus tells Nicodemus, we are continuously born from above. It may still not ensure unity in thought; but it will definitely guarantee respect for differences, unity in diversity, and love above all.


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