Liturgy Alive Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Opening Prayer

God, our Father without equal,
your Son, your living Word, came among us
as one of our own, our own flesh and blood.
Dispose us to welcome him always
and to listen to what he tells us,
also when his word upsets and disturbs us.
And give us too, the courage
to pass on his word to one another,
that it may liberate us all
and lead us to you as your one people.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
      In the mind of God's people, God was their defender; by creating an army through conscription, David was as if usurping the power of God, taking upon himself what was properly the task of God himself.

Gospel Introduction

     A man or woman like us from down the street, whose parents we know, how dare he or she speak God's word to us—if it is God's word! Jesus, the town carpenter whom everyone knew, how could he work miracles and where did he get this strange message? The Church with all its faults and the priest who is not any better than we are, how dare they speak to us in the name of God? God speaks through ordinary people. God's word and message are stronger than the weak messengers he sends to speak his prophetic word. The people of Nazareth did not accept Jesus. Do we accept those who speak out for what is right and good?

General Intercessions

– That our Church may keep listening to the prophets among us, for the Spirit speaks through them, we pray:
– That God's people may keep listening to the words Jesus speaks in our assemblies as a word spoken to each of us today, we pray:
– That in the silence of the voiceless, God's people may hear the voice of the Lord crying out for justice and compassion, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
you ask of us to accept with faith
your word spoken by your messengers
and above all by your living Word, Jesus Christ.
Make us truly recognize and welcome
the humble coming of your Son
in these simple signs of bread and wine.
Let his word and that of his prophets
take root in us and change us
into a community in which prevail
the love, the justice, and the forgiveness
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, loving Father,
you let us share in your strength
through Jesus, your Son in our midst.
Let his Word that we have heard
come true in our lives
and give us the courage to proclaim it
without false shame or fear
to anyone willing to listen.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Lord.


We have heard Jesus: let his Word not fall on deaf ears. And may we not keep it for ourselves, but pass it on as a challenge to create together a community in which justice and love rule with the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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