Liturgy Alive Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012


February 5


In 1597, twenty-six Christians were nailed to crosses at Nagasaki, Japan. The best-known among them was Paul Miki, but there was also a Spanish Franciscan who had worked about ten years in the Philippines, Pedro Bautista. Their feast reminds us that the gospel is not destined merely for traditionally Christian countries. Everywhere in the world there are people who can follow Christ in a radical way, perhaps more consistently than we are willing to do. The Church is destined for all people.

Opening Prayer

God, Father of all,
we honor today missionaries and their flock
in whom Christ lived 
and in whom he was crucified.
Give that messengers and teachers
of the good news of Jesus
may be one with their people
in life and in death
and dedicated to one another 
and to you, our loving God,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

God, our Father,
from the rising of the sun to its setting
let your faithful people celebrate
the holy sacrifice of Jesus your Son.
Let this be a living witness 
that you are the Father of all
and that Jesus lived and died for all
to make us all one,
now and for ever.

Prayer after Communion

God our Father,
your Son Jesus invites all to his table,
however different we may be 
in faces, character, personality, nationality.
May we dream and work with Jesus
for a new humanity everywhere
where we learn to encounter all people
in their multifaceted human dignity
and in the riches of their culture.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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