Liturgy Alive Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time



Opening Prayer

God, you are clear-sighted
as you look into our hearts.
Do not allow us to seek security
in words and laws and observances,
but in giving in everyday life
a response of love to your challenging word.
Yes, let this word question us day after day
whether we are true
to the Gospel and to the person
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

Introduction to the First Reading
        The introductory thanksgiving of 2 Thes is very similar to the one of 1 Thes. It expresses the joy and the gratitude of Paul for the fast growth as a Christian community of the young Church of Thessalonica. Paul makes also an allusion to their suffering, which came either from the antagonism of the synagogue, which had been strong, or from their questions and discussions about the end of the world, or from both.

Introduction to Gospel Reading
     When we hold on to the letter of the law without concern for its spirit, we easily become hypocrites, perhaps without realizing it fully; also when in the name of tradition, we sap it of all life, or worse, when we speak beautiful words but act differently. For example, when we speak of poverty, community, or dialogue, but live in grand style or fail to communicate from person to person. Such contradictions are not only the lot of Pharisees and scribes: they are often with us today.

General Intercessions

– That the Church in its leaders and members may be a strong and faithful witness in our world for the truth, truthfulness, and authenticity, we pray:
– For priests and religious, that the poverty and love of Christ and people may become visible in them and make their teaching credible, we pray:
– For politicians and civic leaders, that their concern may not be honor and power but justice, dignity, and the unity of those whom they honestly serve, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
in this bread and this wine,
we celebrate the memory of your Son,
with his fidelity to his mission,
to you and to people.
Let this offering be
not a mere formality
but a call to commit ourselves
to his Gospel and his life,
for he is our Lord for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
it is difficult for us to be always honest
with ourselves and with you,
for sincerity demands total commitment.
God, you have encouraged us
with the Word and the bread of your Son.
Do not allow us
to put our consciences to sleep or at ease,
with beautiful words or outward practices,
but make us live as we believe,
that with the whole of our lives
we may give glory to you,
our God, for ever and ever.


We are to be pitied as Christians if we think we can save ourselves by outward practices. What saves us, what makes us God's sons and daughters, is our love of God and neighbor, how we live our daily life in closeness to the Lord. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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