Liturgy Alive Saturday after Epiphany

Saturday, January 12, 2019


In a sort of profession of faith, the apostle John sums up his letter. We belong to God on account of Jesus Christ. He has brought us eternal life; this life does not tolerate sin; because we live in him, he hears our prayers.
John the Baptist bears the same witness: we belong to Christ as the bride to the bridegroom; our life must be identified with his, his life must grow in us.
In this Eucharist, may the Lord let us share more deeply in his life.

Opening Prayer

Lord, God of life,
we belong fully to you
through your Son, Jesus Christ.
In him, you have called us to real life,
free, expansive, reaching beyond death.
Help us to develop this life
with all its potentials
and to treasure it as a trust
not to be kept to ourselves
but to be shared as a gift
with all those around us.
Let your Son live and grow in us,
now and for ever.

Liturgy of the Word


– That the Church may continue with compassion the task of healing of Jesus, our Lord, that the sick may be comforted, the downtrodden set free, and the poor and the weak be protected, we pray:
– That in our Christian communities, we may be concerned about one another as the Lord is solicitous about us, and that we may enrich one another with every good gift of heart and mind, we pray:
– That those whose faith has been shaken by the changes in the Church and in the world, may learn to trust again in the Lord and find inner peace, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

We bring before you, loving Father,
these gifts of bread and wine,
which come from your own hand.
They are the signs of life and growth.
Open our hearts to the depth
of the life of Jesus, your Son,
that our life, commonplace as it is,
may be rich and full
with the goodness and warmth of Jesus.
May, thus, our life become
a hymn of praise and thanks to you
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, loving Father,
our sharing in this Eucharist
has borne witness to our living faith
in the person and life of your Son.
May his presence among us not leave us indifferent
but commit us to break the chains of evil
and to let his justice and loyal love
grow in us and in the world.
We are confident that you will hear our prayer
on account of him who lives in us,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.


With John the Baptist, may we say: may we decrease, that is, consider ourselves less important, but may the Lord Jesus increase and grow in us, with the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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