Liturgy Alive 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday, July 21, 2019


To us is proclaimed in this assembly
the mystery of God.
That mystery is Christ among us.
He speaks his word of wisdom to us.
May we listen to his words
and may Christ our Lord be with you. 
R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

A. Jesus, Our Host And Guest 
How hospitable to people are we in reality? How many people are there about whom we say: I will never allow this person to set foot in my home? And when people are my guests, do I just fuss about them, stuffing them with all sorts of good things but having no time to listen to them? Let's look at our host Jesus in this Eucharist and listen to what he says about hospitality.

B. Feel At Home
A hearty welcome to all of you on this Sunday of hospitality. It is surprising how poor people can often be hospitable to others. They offer their guests food and drink that they cannot afford for themselves. How hospitable are we to the guest, to the stranger? Let us open our doors and our hearts. It is perhaps Jesus himself who comes to your house. Be attentive to him. And remember how hospitable he is to us here in the Eucharist.

Penitential Act

Jesus, Our Host and Guest
We have failed to recognize the Lord
when he came to us in people as our guest:
Let us ask him to forgive us.
Lord Jesus, do not allow us
to forget you in all the bustle:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
Jesus Christ, make us see it is you
whom we welcome when we receive guests:
Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, make us listen to you
when you speak to us through people:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
Touch us with your healing hand, Lord,
and forgive us all our sins.
Be our guest and companion
and lead us to everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer

Let us pray that we may be hospitable
to God and to people
Our loving God and Father,
you have invited us to stay with you,
to listen to the message of Jesus your Son
and to accept from him your peace and love.
May we welcome him wholeheartedly
and learn from him to welcome him too
in people who appeal to us
for forgiveness and a bit of warmth,
for patience and hope and joy.
Let them not pass your servants by.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction: Lord, Do Not Pass Your Servant By
      Abraham welcomes a stranger with the greatest hospitality, not knowing at first that he is receiving God. God gives Abraham more than Abraham could give God: the son of the promise.

Second Reading Introduction: Become Perfect In Christ
Paul is glad to suffer for Christ, to make him known to all. He wants the Lord to dwell in all, that all may become perfect in Christ.

Gospel Introduction: Mary Has Chosen The Better Part
Martha and Mary welcome Jesus in their home as a guest. While Martha is concerned about giving her guest all he needs, Mary is attentive to him as a person; she gives him her attention and receives his Word.


General Intercessions

Abraham welcomed three strangers and Martha and Mary were hospitable to the Lord. All of them were changed by their visitors. Let us pray that we too may be hospitable, and let us say: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
• That the Church may be a hospitable home for all peoples and cultures and be enriched by them, let us pray: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
• That we may learn to recognize the Lord in the features of a stranger and welcome him as we would receive the Lord himself, let us pray: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
• That like Mary we may welcome eagerly the Word the Lord speaks to us and pass on his Good News to others, let us pray: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
• That we may welcome the best of what our brothers and sisters give us, even before we share the best of ourselves with them, let us pray: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
• That in this and in all Christian communities people may feel at home with one another and serve each other, let us pray: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
Lord our God, give each of us a heart attentive to you and a heart that hears what people try to say even when they do not speak. We ask this through Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

Father, may we welcome Jesus your Son
in these offerings of bread and wine.
Open us to his Word and his mentality.
Prepare us to welcome him in people
and to encounter him in their person,
even when he comes at another time
and in another way than we expect him.
Enrich us by giving to, and receiving from one another
your greatest gift to us,
Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

In the Eucharist Jesus is our host and he fills us as his guests with his strength and love. Let us praise and thank the Father for it.

Invitation to the Lord's Prayer

With Jesus our Lord,
let us pray to our Father in heaven
that we may be open 
to his will and his kingdom: R/ Our Father...

Deliver Us

Deliver us Lord, from every evil
and grant us your peace in our day.
Keep us free from sin
and help us to make time for people,
to attend to them and to listen to them.
Protect us from all anxiety
as we prepare in joyful hope
for the coming in glory
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. R/ For the kingdom...

Invitation to Communion

This is the Lord who says:
here I stand, knocking at the door.
If anyone of you hears me calling
and opens the door,
I will enter his house
and have supper with him
and he with me.
R/ Lord, I am not worthy...

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
you have come among us in your Son
to be our guest.
In our everyday life,
may we always be open to anyone in need;
help us to recognize and welcome you
in everyone who comes to us.
In every human encounter
offer us your grace and love,
through Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives with you and stays with us
now and for ever. R/ Amen.


In this Eucharist we have been 
the Lord's own guests.
He has been very hospitable to us,
listening to us, speaking to us
his warm words of friendship.
He sends us out now
to be both each other's guests and hosts.
Welcome now the blessing of Almighty God:
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.
Let us go in the peace of the Lord. 
R/ Thanks be to God.

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