Liturgy Alive Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Opening Prayer

God Father of all,
you know and you love us;
whatever happens to us,
we are in your hands.
Wherever you lead us,
you know where you want us to go.
We ask you for faith and trust.
Make your will our will,
that you may lead us to your home
under the guidance of him,
who did your will in everything,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.

General Intercessions

– That we may be close to Jesus by seeking with him and his mother the will of the Father, we pray:
– That priests and religious may keep trusting in the Lord who has called them notwithstanding their human weakness, and that with Christ, they may care especially for the poor and the weak, we pray:
– That those discouraged and wounded by life may not grow bitter, and that from our presence and friendship, they may draw fresh strength and hope, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God our Father,
this bread and this wine
are signs that with Jesus, your Son, 
we are ready to seek your will.
Allow us to share in his table
as his brothers and sisters
and to follow him on his loyal way
to you, our God for ever.

Prayer after Communion

God our Father,
you have given us a world
to master and to develop
according to your wise plans
and to join forces 
to build up the body of Christ.
May we do so by the strength
of Jesus himself
and make this Church and this world
a communion of faith and hope,
of love and peace,
as a sign and a way
to your joy that lasts for ever.


Brothers and sisters of Jesus… How much are we united with him and like him? We pray very often the Our Father and ask him that his will be done on earth as in heaven. That's what we pray for, so that's what we are committed to. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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