Liturgy Alive Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
we experience day after day
how difficult it is to accept you
and to let your kingdom grow among us.
Overcome our resistance,
dispose us to accept you
on your own terms,
without any preconceived ideas.
Let the seed of your Son's Gospel
bear rich fruit in us,
that he may live and reign among us,
now and for ever.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
      Through Jesus, God succeeded implanting his law into the hearts of people through the obedience of Jesus. The new covenant is one that affects people in the deepest of themselves and disposes them to seek God's will.


Gospel Introduction
     Why has the kingdom of God not taken deeper roots among us? Why does it grow so slowly? In today's Gospel, Mark states that this is a mystery of God's efforts and people's lack of depth and understanding. The kingdom is here among us, but it meets the slowing down resistance of people. It is hard to respond to the demands of the Gospel, to be converted to God's plan with us, to form a community that lives according to God's norms and witnesses to God's presence. Are we willing to be that community which promotes the growth of God's kingdom?

General Intercessions

– For those who spread the word of the Good News: pastors and missionaries, catechists and teachers, that they may keep sowing the seed, even when they see no harvest yet, we pray:
– For those who are not moved by the word of God, that the Church may hear their silent yearning and speak the word in such a way that they see that it pertains to their life and happiness, we pray:
– For those who have remained deaf to the Word of God, that they may be moved by it when they see it flowering and bearing fruit in the lives of good Christians, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God our Father,
we bring before you bread and wine,
the fruits of the harvest.
Sow in us the seeds of life
of the body and blood of your Son,
that we may yield
a rich harvest of justice and love
on account of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God of power and love,
you have spoken to us
your word of life.
We have spoken to you a response
of good intentions and promises.
Let your word take firm roots
in the depths of our very being,
that we may keep speaking it
in deeds of commitment to one another
which are acts of faith in your future
and in your living Word,
Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever.


And God sows. He sends the rain and the sunshine to make the seed bloom, grow and bear fruit. But do we let the seed mature and grow? Bear fruit, with the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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