Liturgy Alive Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday, November 27, 2023

Opening Prayer

Lord our God, generous Father,
simple people put us often to shame
by their total generosity
and straightforward loyalty.
Make us realize Lord,
that like your Son, the real poor of heart
often make us understand who you are:
a God who gives himself.
Grant us too, this kind
of generous love and loyalty
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
To strengthen the faith of the persecuted Jews at the time of the Maccabees, the author of the Book of Daniel tells the edifying story of four young Jews who take the risk of remaining loyal to God’s law even at the pagan king’s court. They draw both God’s protection and their wisdom from this fidelity.

Gospel Introduction

      The widow goes beyond the law. In her generosity, she does not only give all she has, she has only what she has given. People who are poor often know well how to give because they know what it means to be poor and dependent; they know how to live in the hands of God.

General Intercessions

– Lord, we pray for widows and orphans. Keep them from despair and make us attentive to their need of love and compassion, we pray:
– Lord, we pray for all the poor who are insecure about the next day. May we bring them security and love, we pray:
– Lord, we pray for this community. Make us learn from the poor to be gene-rous enough to share not only from our abundance but also when needed, from our own poverty, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God, if you want someone
to suffer or die for sin
that we may live, 
you take your own Son and he agrees loyally.
God, who give yourself,
accept these gifts, poor as they are,
because in them we place our own generosity
in the hope that you will make it grow
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God, generous Father,
in your Son, Jesus Christ, you come to us
not the way a rich person would visit
an underdeveloped humanity,
but the way a poor one shares 
with those who are also poor like him or her.
Accept our thanks for giving yourself
and revealing in Jesus
all the abundance of your love
with an infinite respect for our human poverty.
Accept our thanks through Christ, our Lord.


Christ gave his own self to bring others reconciliation and happiness. Christians should learn from him to give themselves without counting the cost, with the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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