Liturgy Alive Tuesday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
our faith is not a quiet possession
of the truth and of rites
that may give us security.
Make us realize that it is tested
and that you call us
to be credible witnesses
in our time and our situation
of the passion and resurrection of your Son.
Give us your Holy Spirit
to guide us and to keep our hope alive
that Jesus is our Lord
and you our God for ever.


Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction: The time to reap has come, because the earth’s harvest is fully ripe.
        Judgment is presented in the reading from Revelation as the reaping of the harvest.


General Intercessions

–    For the Church of Jesus Christ, that its faith, trust, and love may not waver in the difficulties and storms of our time, we pray:
–    For those who doubt their faith or are afraid of the future, that God may give them courage and that we may refresh one another’s hope, we pray:
–    For a world in the grip of war and violence, of dishonesty and abuse of power, that people of integrity and vision may draw inspiration from the Gospel to lead the world back on the road of peace and love, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
as you will sanctify this bread and this wine
and change them into Jesus, your Son,
let the power of your Holy Spirit
change us into people
imbued with the mentality of Jesus Christ.
Make us more like him,
that we may live for one another
and have nothing to fear
when you call us to you,
our God, for ever and ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
in this Eucharist, you have given to us
the word and the body of your Son.
Do not allow us to be misled
by anyone who speaks an easy message.
Let our only sure guide be
he who is our way and truth and life,
our hope and our resurrection,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.


We are people of hope. We shouldn’t bother about the question when the end of the world will come but live as people who know that they have to be responsible Christians every day. If we do this, there is no reason for fear. May Almighty God keep you safe and bless you, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit

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