Liturgy Alive Monday, 2nd Week of Advent

Monday, December 11, 2023


At the time of the exile, in what is called “the little Apocalypse,” (Is 34–35) a disciple of Isaiah describes the return of the Jews to Jerusalem and the Holy Land as a return to Paradise: no sin, no suffering, and no fatigue even, with all sickness cured and creation sharing in the liberation of people. For God dwells among his people.
These glowing terms begin to apply more fully when Jesus comes and forgives sin and illness, the consequences and manifestations of sin. When Jesus appears, he comes to bring life to the poor. Yes, the lame people leap for joy, for God has taken pity on them through Jesus.

Opening Prayer

Lord, our God,
you come among your people;
to those who are poor and paralyzed
you bring them your forgiveness
and your tender compassion
through your Son.
God, make us deeply believe,
that you want to liberate us
from our discouragement and powerlessness.
Give us a sincere, trusting hope
in your healing, compassionate love,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


General Intercessions

Let us pray for all people who are discouraged and lonely, that we may
help them overcome their fears and restore their trust and hope. We say: Lord, hear our prayer.
–    For the physically handicapped, that we may respect them as fully human persons, we pray:
–    For our communities, that we may be full of hope that in Christ, we can build a better Church and a better world, we pray:
–    That all of us may be people of joy, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, God of hope,
in these signs of bread and wine,
we celebrate the death and resurrection
of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Help us to place in him our hope,
that he will raise us from our dejection,
from all our fears and resignation
to the evils of the world.
Let him heal us from our sins
and make us people who leap for joy
because of him who is Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Our living and saving God,
we thank you for your Son, Jesus.
Let him be so much alive among us,
that we may gladly and enthusiastically
continue his work of healing
the poor and those who suffer,
as we remember how he has lifted us up
above our miseries.
Make us healed healers,
who follow Jesus Christ, our Lord.


To us, too, Jesus has repeatedly said: “Your sins are forgiven. Stand up.” Let this fill us with great gratitude, and help us also to speak to one another words of reconciliation and encouragement. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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