Liturgy Alive Tuesday, 2nd Week of Advent

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


The author of Second Isaiah has a beautiful message of joy and hope. God will end the exile of his people and bring them back to him. Their sins are forgiven. He will live among them as their shepherd.
God became visible as the shepherd of his people in Jesus Christ. To him, every person is precious, especially the little people and sinners. The pilgrim Church—her leaders, and all those belonging to the Church, are to be merciful and forgiving, responsible for one another, sinners responsible for their fellow sinners.

Opening Prayer

Lord, our God,
you are near to us
in Jesus Christ, your Son.
When we go astray,
you look for us until you find us.
Bring us back to you,
show us the way to you
through him who is our way,
Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord,
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

General Intercessions

–    That the Church may be compassionate and patient with people who err, as God is compassionate to us, we pray:
–    That we may bring joy and comfort to one another, as God has brought us joy and comfort in Christ, we pray:
–    That we may not condemn people who commit mistakes or hurt us, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, our God, merciful Father,
you are always near to us
through your Son, Jesus Christ.
In these signs of bread and wine,
we celebrate his living presence.
Through him, speak to our hearts,
reassure us that we are precious to you,
even though we are the sinners,
and begin with us your new era
of merciful love and joy.
Grant us this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, shepherd of people,
in this Eucharist, you have let us experience
that you want to be close to us
through our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
Help us to be shepherds to one another,
sinners responsible for their fellow sinners,
taking one another as we are,
because you take us as we are,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


We thank God that he still cared for us when we sinned. With him, we care also for people who go astray. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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