Liturgy Alive Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Opening Prayer

Our living God,
you are very near to us in our joys and pains.
Give us eyes of faith and love to see
the mission you have given us in life
and the grace and courage to carry it out.
Make us also clear-sighted enough to see
the needs of people who cry out their misery
or suffer in silence,
that we may bring them your healing compassion
and lead them to you.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
     In the first reading, in a prayer God is asked to show his greatness and holiness to all peoples by showing them his marvelous deeds.

Gospel Introduction

      Jesus cures a blind man. Not only is his eyesight restored, but he also begins to see with faith who Jesus is. Note that the crowd first try to silence him but his faith is unstoppable and cannot be silenced.

General Intercessions

– Lord, see the eyes of children open to life; see the eyes full of hope of those who believe in your future and fill them with your light, we pray:
– Lord, see the eyes of those who suffer; see the lifeless eyes of those who are physically blind, we pray:
– Lord, see the eyes of those who fail to see others; see the eyes full of tears of those who mourn for those they loved, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Our living and loving God,
the whole world is a sign of you:
your beauty is reflected in every flower 
and each ray of the sun shines with your light.
Give each of us a grateful heart
that rejoices in simple things.
Give us new eyes to discover,
in these signs of bread and wine,
the love and the life of Jesus, your Son,
and give us faith to see how good it is
to be your people in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God, our loving Father,
we have heard and seen your Son
and recognized him
in the breaking of bread.
Help us to see with his light
what is right and what is wrong in us.
Make us understand the deeper meaning
of suffering and pain.
And one day show us yourself as you are,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.


May God give to all of us eyes of faith and may he bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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