Liturgy Alive Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friday, May 31, 2024


Luke presents Mary as the Ark of the Covenant coming to Jerusalem to show that God is present among his people to bring them joy. This is why the child leaps (that is, dances for joy) in Elizabeth's womb. With Christ, God comes to live not in a temple of stone but in the hearts of people. Through Christ living in Mary God's victory over evil has begun. A person in whom Christ lives - a Christ-bearer, a Christopher - brings Christ to others, and with Christ, joy and love.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God, loving Father,
Mary went with haste to visit 
her cousin Elizabeth in her hour of need.
May we too rejoice in the Lord
when we can hurry to see people
to bring them the Lord 
as we to share in their needs and their joys.
With Mary, may we become
a blessing to them.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

General Intercessions

In union with Mary, the mother of our Lord, let us pray together to God our Father and let us say: Lord, lift up your humble people.

- For as Church of the poor that seeks greatness in service to lead the whole person to God, we pray:

- For a heart that knows how to praise the Lord and to find its joy in God our Savior, we pray:

- For a lifestyle of humility and service, that the Lord may remember us in his kindness, we pray:

- For wisdom for the mighty of this earth, that they may respect the dignity of the poor and attend to the needs of the hungry, we pray:

- For trust in the prayers of the mother of the Lord, who cares for us with a mother's love, we pray:

Father, we offer you this prayer through Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and our mother.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God, loving Father,
through your Son Jesus Christ 
you visit us in this eucharist.
Let it be a visit that changes us
as Jesus does great things in us
and fills us with his love and compassion.
May we sing out our gratitude
to praise your holy name
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, loving Father,
take all self-righteous pride out of our hearts
so that you can do great things in us.
Make us available to you
and to our neighbor,
especially to the poor and the humble.
Thank you for choosing us
as disciples of your Son Jesus Christ,
our brother and our Lord now and for ever.


"God be with you" was the greeting at the beginning and at the end of this eucharistic assembly. God has visited us again as his people. Let us go on loving him and taking him to those around us, with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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