News in Ecumenism

This is a very important week for the Anglican communion

This is a very important week for the Anglican communion

by: Charles Moore - The Telegraph in Ecumenism,

This week, the Anglican Communion may fall apart. The stated reason is disagreement about homosexuality. Liberal whites, especially in North America, support gay sex acts and same-sex marriage. African Anglicans oppose them because they go against what the Bible and Christian tradition say.

Has Pope Francis just opened a door for non-Catholics to receive communion?

Has Pope Francis just opened a door for non-Catholics to receive communion?

by: Christopher Lamb in Rome- The Tablet in Ecumenism,
In 1996 the late Cardinal Basil Hume wrote to Tony Blair, then an Anglican and on the verge of becoming Prime Minister, asking him to refrain from taking communion when he attended Mass with his family. Blair, married to a Catholic, reluctantly agreed but in his letter of reply to the cardinal wrote: “I wonder what Jesus would have made of it.”
Reasons I’m a Better Christian as a Catholic

Reasons I’m a Better Christian as a Catholic

by: K. Albert Little - The Cordial Catholic in Ecumenism,

When I decided, as an Evangelical Protestant, to become a Catholic it was for a myriad of reasons. The appeal of the ancient tradition, the beauty of the Liturgy, and the succinct, coherent theology are only a few of the compelling aspects that drew me in. There are many more. But what I did not realize, as I began my first tentative steps to cross the Tiber, was how becoming a Catholic would utterly change my Christian life. In ways that I, then, could never have imagined.

Why it was the world wide web that finally did for the Anglican communion

Why it was the world wide web that finally did for the Anglican communion

by: Giles Fraser - The Guardian in Ecumenism,

The archbishop of Canterbury has just announced a final throw of the dice to keep the family together. He plans a looser structure – not quite a divorce, but “sleeping in separate bedrooms”. It’s the right way forward. But it doesn’t go far enough.The Anglican communion began as the spiritual arm of British colonialism, with public-school soldiers exporting their style of prayer and hat-wearing, hymn-singing church throughout the empire.

Archbishop Welby sets up global Anglican meeting to avoid split

Archbishop Welby sets up global Anglican meeting to avoid split

by: Sean Smith-The Tablet in Ecumenism,

The invitation from the Most Rev Justin Welby to the meeting will bring together a number of church heads who have not spoken directly to each other in over a decade. Archbishop Justin Welby said in a statement: “I have suggested to all Primates that we need to consider recent developments but also look afresh at our ways of working as a Communion and especially as Primates, paying proper attention to developments in the past.

Why the Dalai Lama Won’t Reincarnate

Why the Dalai Lama Won’t Reincarnate

by: Johannes Nugroho - Jakarta Globe in Ecumenism,

Fewer and fewer governments are willing to risk Beijing’s anger by being seen to be on amicable terms with the Dalai Lama. The reincarnation of Tibetan lamas became politicized when in 2007 China’s State of Religious Affairs Bureau issued its Decree No.5, ruling that reincarnations of all tulkus or living Buddhas, were only valid once approved by the state. 

 The story of the Reformation needs reforming

The story of the Reformation needs reforming

by: Eamon Duffy - The Telegraph in Ecumenism,
The destruction of the monasteries and most of the libraries, music and art of medieval England now looks what it always was – not a religious breakthrough, but a cultural calamity. The slaughtered Popish martyrs look less like an alien fifth column than the voices of a history England was not allowed to have.
"Diversity is not a threat" says Pope Francis in Colombo

"Diversity is not a threat" says Pope Francis in Colombo

by: Osservatore Romano in Ecumenism,

For the sake of peace, religious beliefs must never be allowed to be abused in the cause of violence and war. We must be clear and unequivocal in challenging our communities to live fully the tenets of peace and coexistence found in each religion, and to denounce acts of violence when they are committed.”

A new era in Evangelical-Catholic relations

A new era in Evangelical-Catholic relations

by: Dr Geoff Tunnicliffe - The Tablet in Ecumenism,

Last week it was my privilege to meet Pope Francis for the third time. I first met him after his installation.  I visited him in his home for a three-hour private, non-scripted conversation. Last Thursday I led a 24-person delegation of leaders from the World Evangelical Alliance for an historic official meeting.

Battle for independence is replaying the struggles of Catholic Scotland

Battle for independence is replaying the struggles of Catholic Scotland

by: Cristina Odone - The Telegraph in Ecumenism,

The battle for Scotland has stirred some vivid memories for me. My instinct is for the Union: why disrupt tradition, economics, international relations? But having edited the Catholic Herald for four years, I know how deep-rooted and passionate the anti-establishment mindset in Scotland is.

Francis and the Evangelicals

Francis and the Evangelicals

by: Fr. Dwight Longenecker - Aleteia in Ecumenism,

 I think he wants Catholics not to be more Protestant, but more Catholic. In other words, he wants Catholics to return to the zeal and passion of the saints and martyrs. He wants Catholics to re-learn the simple life of the apostles and take joy in the most elemental levels of the faith -- a life full of the Holy Spirit in a day to day relationship with Jesus Christ.