News in Homilies

Commentary to the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

Commentary to the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

Jesus comes again to those who believe they know him and of belonging to his family and advances his proposal. He asked, as God did to Abraham, to leave everything that the home, the family and the country represent. He invites them to reconsider the religious convictions, assimilated during childhood and ever more deepened and made to evolve.

Commentary to the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

Commentary to the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

The slowness of Israel in reaching an explicit affirmation of eternal life is precious and enlightening. It makes us understand that, before believing in the resurrection and a future world, it is necessary to value and passionately love life in this world as God appreciates and loves it. 

Commentary to the feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist

Commentary to the feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

Jesus’ praise of him: “When you went out to the desert, what did you expect to see? A reed swept by the wind? What did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? People who wear fine clothes live in palaces. What did you really go out to see? A prophet? Yes, indeed, and even more than a prophet. I tell you this: no one greater than John the Baptist has come forward from among the sons of women” (Mt 11:7-11).

Commentary to the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

Commentary to the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

The passage ends with a comment by the evangelist: “he explained everything privately to his disciples” (v. 34). Reflection, silence and prayer are needed; one needs to devote time to dialogue with Christ. It is necessary to create a spiritual atmosphere to receive from the Spirit the needed light to assimilate and translate the message of this parable into choices of life. 

Commentary to the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

Commentary to the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Homilies,

Exorcism. Since ancient times, the belief that evil was caused by malignant spirits led people to guard against their evil influences by resorting to magical practices, formulas, and the recitation of prayers, performing ritual acts such as destruction of statues, aspersion, spraying; everything to force the demons to leave. “I’m not alone in the fight against evil, Christ and the community of brothers are with me.” 

Commentary to the Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday – Year B –

Commentary to the Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

“Jesus gives His Spirit to the disciples and confers them the power to forgive sins” (vv. 21-23). The disciples are sent to fulfill a mission: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”  When he was in the world, Jesus made the face and the love of the Father present (Jn 12:45). Now, having left this world, he continues his work through the disciples to whom he confers his Spirit. 

Ascension of the Lord – Year B –

Ascension of the Lord – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

This completely new perspective could be the way to consider the years of life. We all know, and maybe we smile, of octogenarians who envy those who have fewer years than them. Well, they turn their gaze to the past, not to the future. The certainty of the Ascension reverses this perspective. While the years pass, the Christian is satisfied because he sees the days of a definitive encounter with Christ coming soon. He is happy to have lived, does not envy the young ones and looks at them with tenderness. 

Commentary to the 6th Sunday of Easter – Year B –

Commentary to the 6th Sunday of Easter – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Israel understood that the Lord tied his heart to persons and took care of his people, yet she imagined him also ready to punish “the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation” (Ex 34:7). He contemplated the work of his hands, but he had not yet seen his face of Emmanuel—God with us—and, above all, had not yet discovered his heart.

Commentry to the 5th Sunday of Easter – Year B –

Commentry to the 5th Sunday of Easter – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

“There is no salvation outside of the Church.” This statement is famous, delivered in the third century by Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, and is not always correctly interpreted. Many Christians in the past have made the mistake of identifying the kingdom of God with the ecclesial institution to which they belonged. They flaunted arrogant certainties, cultivated prejudices against other religions and called the others impure and far. In the most abhorrent cases they also resorted to force to coerce others to conversion and baptism. 

Commentary to the 4th Sunday of Easter – Year B –

Commentary to the 4th Sunday of Easter – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

No wonder that, even in times of religious crisis, the majority of people continue to believe in God. However, in verifying the identity of this God, we often notice that he is quite different from the one Jesus revealed. He is a God who adapts to the justice of man.

Commentary to the 3rd Sunday of Easter – Year B –

Commentary to the 3rd Sunday of Easter – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Wonder and fear always accompany even today, the manifestations of the Lord “in the middle” to his communities. Wonder and fear are the images of the radical changes that the apparition of the Risen Christ brings to human life. With its radiance, the light of Easter reveals the pettiness of each withdrawal to the current world and opens the minds and hearts on absolutely new reality to the world of the resurrected, world that fascinates and inspires wonder and fear, for it is God’s world.

Commentary to the 2nd Sunday of Easter–Year B–

Commentary to the 2nd Sunday of Easter–Year B–

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Asking the human a disembodied faith is to demand the impossible; but it is also a mistake to claim, as Thomas, to check what cannot be perceived by the senses. The condition in which Jesus entered his resurrection, though more real than reality itself on which today our eyes and our hands are laid on, defies verification. 

Commentary to Easter Sunday -Year B -

Commentary to Easter Sunday -Year B -

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Let’s ask ourselves: is Christ’s resurrection a constant point of reference in all the projects we do, when we buy, sell, dialogue, divide an inheritance, choose to have another child… or do we believe that the reality of this world have nothing to do with Easter? Anyone who has seen the Lord will do nothing more without him.

Commentary to Passion Palm Sunday –Year B–

Commentary to Passion Palm Sunday –Year B–

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

To venerate the cross does not mean bowing down in front of a material object, not even to linger on the sorrowful aspect of the passion of Jesus. The cross indicates a choice of life, the gift of self. To contemplate it means to take it as a reference point for any decision.“I will follow you wherever you go”.

Commentary to the 4th Sunday of Lent–Year B–

Commentary to the 4th Sunday of Lent–Year B–

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The judgment of the Crucified does not inculcate fear. It is, yes, the most severe condemnation of all wickedness but it is a motive of joy and hope for the sinner; from the Crucified, in fact, everyone feels only to repeat: "I did not come to condemn the world, but to save the world" (Jn 12:47).

Commentary to the 3rd Sunday of lent –Year B–

Commentary to the 3rd Sunday of lent –Year B–

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The scene of the expulsion of the merchants from the temple, is recorded by all four evangelists. This shows the importance they attributed to the fact. By purifying the temple of the merchants, Jesus pronounced his severe, final sentence against mingling religion and money, between worship the Lord and economic interests. God expects only love from man and love is free. 

Commentary to the 2nd Sunday of lent–Year B

Commentary to the 2nd Sunday of lent–Year B

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The transfiguration was an extraordinary spiritual experience in which Jesus tried to convince them that only those who give their lives for the sake of love fully realize it. It is clear that they failed to understand that Jesus was going to give life. God was revealing all his glory, all his love for man. Only the light of Easter and the experiences with the Risen Lord will open wide their eyes. 

Commentary to the 1st Sunday of lent –Year B–

Commentary to the 1st Sunday of lent –Year B–

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Every year, on the first Sunday of Lent, the gospel is on the temptations of Jesus in the desert. Mark refers to them very briefly, and uses two verses (vv. 12-13) to explain them. In front of these few lines some preachers are struggling to outline the homily.

Commentary to the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

Commentary to the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The first part of today’s Gospel (vv. 40-42) reports the fact. A leper, in contravention of the provisions of the law, approaches Jesus and begs him on his knees to be “purified.” He is not asking for healing, but to be purified, that is to be put in a condition to go back into the community. More than the disease itself, what troubled him was the fact of being excluded from civil and religious society.