News in Homilies

Commentary to 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Commentary to 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The parable of today's gospel depicts three characters: a father and two sons. 
No, even when he had said yes, he was not at all in accord with the program of his father. He had only spoken words, empty words. It recalls another saying of Jesus: “Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my heavenly Father” (Mt 7:21).

Commentary to the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Commentary to the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The dialogue between God and man is established only where there is a free encounter, free gift, unconditional reciproal love. Who loves claims nothing and expects nothing but to see the loved one smile and rejoice. "Your salvation is manifested in this: you are merciful to those who have no treasure of good works.” Jesus made this righteousness of God his own.

Commentry to the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Commentry to the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

What does God expect from us? His very own “compassion”: He wants that we do not keep the brother a slave of his past. He claims that we do not take his breath away while he desperately tries to rise up from the chasm. God asks us to help him seventy times seven, renouncing to any recourse against him. The children of the kingdom of God are “merciful as the heavenly Father” (Lk 6:36) and they understood that “love does not delight in wrong, excuses everything, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Cor 13:5-7).

Commentary to the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

Commentary to the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

For Jesus: “the small ones” are at the center of his community’s attention. They are God's treasure, the precious pearl for which it is worth to scour every corner of the world; the jewel that brings overflowing joy to whoever finds it (Mt 13:44-46). The rabbis said: "The Lord rejoices in the resurrection of the righteous and the destruction of the wicked." The God of Jesus is more pleased when a sinner returns than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray (Mt 18:13). 

Commentary to the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Commentary to the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

by: Fr Armellini and Luis Enrique Ortiz Alvarez, cmf in Homilies,

In our day we are also tempted to live in the dynamics of the conservation of our own humanity, our own ego, in short, our own interests. This is living from human logic. Today, more than ever, we are tempted to commit crime, to settle, to easily abandon our convictions; To sell the word - speaking to each person what he wants to hear - without being witnesses of the truth of Christ. 

Commentary to the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - A -

Commentary to the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - A -

by: Fr James Gilhooley in Homilies,

It is not enough to learn what others, even apostles, say about the Teacher. One could write an encyclopedia about the Christ and still not be a card-carrying Christian. To each baptized, Jesus leans over and whispers, "But YOU...who do YOU say I am?" That question will never go away. 

Commentary to the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Commentary to the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The message is as timely as ever. The church is called to be sign that all discriminations related to gender, membership to a race, to a people or to an institution are ended. Paul declares: “In Christ Jesus, all of you are sons and daughters of God through faith. Here there is no longer any difference between Jew or Greek, or between slave or freed, or between man and woman; but all of you are one in Christ Jesus.

Commentary to the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Commentary to the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Faith Matures in Moments of Crisis. "Come to me now—the Risen Lord repeats to every disciple. Do not be afraid of losing your life. If you hesitate, death will make you afraid. If you trust my word, the waters of death will not scare you, and you will cross over and catch up with me in the resurrection.”

Commentary to the Transfiguration of the Lord

Commentary to the Transfiguration of the Lord

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Jesus leaves the plain and leads some disciples to the heights; he moves them away from human reasoning and calculations to introduce them into the inscrutable designs of the Father. He makes them go up to bring them back then, transformed, to the land where they are called to work. 

Commentary to the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time –Year A

Commentary to the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time –Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Jesus warns us: "Do not store up treasures for yourself here on earth, where moth and rust destroy it, and where thieves can steal it. Store up treasures for yourself with God, where no moth or rust can destroy it, nor thief come and steal it. For where your treasures is, there also will your heart be” (Mt 6:19-21). 

Commentary to the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year A

Commentary to the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The world came out good from the hand of God. However, the presence of evil remains an enigma, a disturbing element that man cannot stand. He is impatient as the servants in the parable. He asks himself: "Where did the weeds come from?" Frenzy, to immediately solve the tensions he experiences, takes over him. He ends up resorting to worse remedies of evil. He becomes intolerant and ruthless with himself and with others. He punishes cruelly, launches holy wars and gets carried away by anger that "never fulfills the justice of God” (Jas 1:20).

Commentary to the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

Commentary to the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Between Heaven and Earth: Te World. "Hear, o Israel” is the most beloved prayer of the Jewish pity (Dt 6:4). In the Bible, listening does not mean to receive a communication or information, but to adhere to, to receive, to keep in one’s heart and put into practice a proposal. It is equivalent to granting trust to God. Those who listen to his word with these provisions are blessed (Lk 11:28).

Commentary to the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

Commentary to the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Jesus is presented as meek and humble of heart. These are the terms that we find in the Beatitudes. The passage of today's Gospel is a reason for both personal and community reflection. Which God do we believe in? Is he that one of the "wise" or that one revealed to us by Jesus? For whom is our community a sign of hope, for whom is one convinced of meriting the first place, for whom does one feel unworthy to cross the threshold of the church? 

Commentary to the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Commentary to the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,
Who has a big heart is not content with a small house.The Hebrew word house does not indicate only the building but also the family, the cell of the society in which, especially in ancient times, the individual found asylum and felt welcomed and protected.
Commentary to the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Commentary to the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

In today’s Gospel, Jesus insists, three times: “Do not be afraid!” (vv. 26,28,31) and each time, he adds a motive to justify his recommendation. The announcer of the Gospel is afraid, first of all, because of the violence unleashed by the enemies of Christ, his mission might fail (vv. 26-27).

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Year A –

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Year A –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The gesture to reach out to receive the consecrated bread is the sign of the interior disposition to accept Christ and to ensure that his thoughts become our thoughts, his words our words, his choices our choices. In the sign of the Eucharist, his person is assimilated, as is the case with the bread. One day, the disciple will relish the transformation performed in him by the Spirit at work in the sacrament and he will exclaim, like Paul: Now “it is no longer me; Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20). 

Commentary to the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity – Year A –

Commentary to the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity – Year A –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Today’s feast was very lately introduced in the liturgical calendar (only around 1350). It offers the opportunity, through reflection on the word of God, to purify the image that we have made of him and to discover new and surprising features of his face. To internalize the message, we repeat: “Show me, O Lord, your true face.”

Commentary to the Solemnity of Pentecost – Year A –

Commentary to the Solemnity of Pentecost – Year A –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The Spirit: Hope For A New World. Where the Spirit comes radical upheavals and transformation always happen: barriers fall, doors are opened wide; all the towers built by human hands and designed by “the wisdom of this world” shake; fear, passivity, and quietism disappear; initiatives are developed and courageous decisions are made.

Commentary to the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

Commentary to the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

The certainty of the Ascension reverses the perspective. While the years pass, the Christian is satisfied because he sees the days of a definitive encounter with Christ coming soon. He is happy to have lived, does not envy the young ones and looks at them with tenderness. "The Sufferings of this present time are not worth compared to the future glory that will be revealed in us"

Commentary to the 6th Sunday of Easter – Year A –

Commentary to the 6th Sunday of Easter – Year A –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Homilies,

Jesus promised not to leave them alone, without protection and guidance. He said that he will pray to the Father, and he will “send the other Paraclete” who will always be with them (v. 16). It is the promise of the gift of that Spirit that Jesus possesses in fullness (Lk 4:1,14,18) and will be infused into the disciples. Jesus clarifies (vv. 15,17) that the Spirit could be received only by those who are in accord with him, with his plans and his works of love. The world cannot receive it.