News in Homilies

Commentary for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Commentary for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by: Campion P. Gavaler, O.S.B in Homilies,

 The parable of the wicked tenants also appears with some variations in Mk 12: 1-12 and Lk 20: 9-18. In Matthew's gospel it is the second in a trilogy of judgment parables, preceded by the parable of the Two Sons and followed by the parable of the Marriage Feast.

Commentary for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Commentary for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by: Fr Joseph Pellegrino, SJ in Homilies,

 It is difficult for us to explain our belief in Jesus. He is not just a theory, an intellectual doctrine. He is a living person. We have a personal relationship with Him. We go through our days speaking to Him and listening for Him to speak to us.

Commentary for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Freedom from Hatred

Commentary for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Freedom from Hatred

by: Fr Joseph Pellegrino SJ in Homilies,

 Today is the tenth anniversary of one of the worst days in the history of the United States.  It still makes our blood boil to think of all the innocent people who will killed by the terrorists in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania.  Many in America, sadly, have responded to hate with hate, to anger with anger.

Commentary for the 23th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Commentary for the 23th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by: Fr Joseph Pellegrino SJ in Homilies,

 The Church is the Body of Christ.  When we offend others, when we sin, we are sinning against the Body of Christ.  If we hurt another person, we are offending Christ within that other person as well as offending the entire Christian community. If we claim we are Christian, we have a responsibility to all other Christians to behave in a Christian way.  We are accountable to each other, and to all others in the Church.

Commentary for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Commentary for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

by: Fr Joseph Pellegrino in Homilies,

Jesus said, “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing.” We, as disciples of Jesus, have within us the burning fire of the Lord which impels us to transform the world.  Spirituality is what we do with the fire that is within us. Spirituality is the discipline and habits that we live by that lead us to a greater integration of our bodies, minds and souls. All discipline takes effort. 

Commentary for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Commentary for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

by: Fr James Gilhooley in Homilies,

This Sunday Gospel reminds us the Church has found itself in hurricane seas from day one. When we find ourselves breaking into a cold sweat over the latest scandal, we should remember those lyrical words of our Lord, "Courage. It is I. Do not be afraid." He will come to us walking on the waters. All we have to do is allow Him into our boat.

Commentary for the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Commentary for the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time

by: Fr. Christopher Newman, cmf in Homilies,

 ‘Give them something to eat yourselves,’ said Jesus to his disciples.  That challenge comes down to us today with the horrendous news of the famine in the horn of Africa in our papers and on our televisions.

Fr. Jim Kennedy's commentary for the 17th Sunday.

Fr. Jim Kennedy's commentary for the 17th Sunday.

by: Fr. Jim Kennedy, cmf in Homilies,

 ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you’. We can look at ourselves now and begin to sort out things out. We can find the treasures of inner peace and get rid of all those things that adversely effect that inner peace.

Commentary for the 17th Sunday

Commentary for the 17th Sunday

by: Fr. Joseph Pellegrino in Homilies,

 Today's readings drove me to the dogmatic theology books. The first reading from 1 Kings speaks about wisdom. The second from Romans speaks about predestination, the gospel from Matthew speaks about the Christian life.

Commentary for the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Commentary for the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

by: Fr. José Cristo Rey Garcia Parades, cmf - Marie Alexandre (Trans) in Homilies,

 The treasure of the Kingdom is hidden in a field. It isn’t in the sky far from the earth transcendentally inaccessible. The treasure is here but few get it, few seek it or find it. He who finds the hidden treasure is the hidden treasure is the luckiest person in the world.

Commentary for the 16th Sunday

Commentary for the 16th Sunday

by: Fr Joseph Pellegrino in Homilies,

 The parable of the mustard seed: the little efforts we make for the Kingdom of God have a tremendous impact upon the world.  The parable of the weeds and wheat:  God has infinite patience.  He is not about to give up on his people.  We should not give up on others.  And we should not give up on ourselves.

Commentary for the 16th of Ordinary Time.

Commentary for the 16th of Ordinary Time.

by: Fr. José Cristo Rey Garcia Parades, cmf - Marie Alexandre (Trans) in Homilies,

 The Spirit lives within us and this holy reality reveals the deep desire of God for us. With this also it is affirmed that we are incapable of knowing our deepest desire when we live superficially, when we fail to dedicate time either to knowing our interior or the mysterious guest who lives there.

To Understand the Incomprehensible,...that’s Faith

To Understand the Incomprehensible,...that’s Faith

by: Fr. José Cristo Rey Garcia Parades, cmf - Marie Alexandre (Trans) in Homilies,

 The big questions are still unanswered and we need to raise them again. Only this way will we grow in Faith. This Sunday will help us to deepen our Faith and trust. It is good for us to let ourselves become fertile soil for the good news to germinate.

Commentary for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Commentary for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

by: Campion P. Gavaler, O.S.B in Homilies,

Jesus tells us the good news that the seeds of God's kingdom have been abundantly sown everywhere in the world. Despite all the violence and despair that threaten us, we can live in hope. God's kingdom has already come, will continue to grow, and will ultimately triumph.

Homily for Trinity Sunday

Homily for Trinity Sunday

by: Fr. James Gilhooley in Homilies,

With the Sign of the Cross, we trace the Trinity on ourselves. We bring God into our minds first. Then we bring the Trinity down to our hearts. And, with our hearts filled with compassion, we move the Trinity across our bodies to our shoulders and arms to better bear the burdens of our family and friends. (David Walker)

Commentary to the Gospel of 3rd Sunday of Easter

Commentary to the Gospel of 3rd Sunday of Easter

by: Fr. Gerald Ezekwere, cmf in Homilies,

We need to be highly connected to this abiding presence and companionship but not to allow the anxiety and the concerns of life to stifle the power of his love for us and other people on the path of life.

Homily for the Second Sunday of Easter

Homily for the Second Sunday of Easter

by: Fr. Joseph Pellegrino, SJ in Homilies,

We pray today that we might all have a mature faith, able to grow through crises.  We pray today that we might all be included in that phrase of the Lord's, "Blessed are those who have not seen but believe." 

Homily for Easter Sunday

Homily for Easter Sunday

by: Fr. James Gilhooley in Homilies,

The Feast of the Resurrection belongs to women and young people.It was women who stood by Christ on Good Friday.It was Mary of Magdala, just a slip of a girl, who was the first person to reach the tomb that first Easter AM. It was John who was the first one of record to realize that the Master had risen.

Commentary to the Readings of PALM SUNDAY.

Commentary to the Readings of PALM SUNDAY.

by: Fr. Bijoy Chandra Nayak, cmf in Homilies,

Jesus began the last week of his life. He had spent the night before (the Sabbath evening) in Bethany with Lazarus, Mary and Martha (Jn 12. 1f). He was the Messiah, the One prophesied to be the Saviour of the world. The secret his disciples had been forbidden to reveal was now proclaimed as Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.